
ETP Induction 2024

Filed under
Induction days
Event date
Wed, 2nd Oct 2024 @ 09:30am — 16:00pm
The Studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EP

The purpose of this event is to inform new trainees about the programme, introduce new trainees to fellow trainees and points of contact at the School. Invitation to this event will be via email following completion of the recruitment process for 2024 places on the programme.


9:30am Registration and networking
10am Welcome and structure of the day Host: Rupal Ali
10:15am Networking icebreaker Rupal Ali
10:35am Creation of the ETP Jane Lynch
11am The ETP overview and structure of the programme
– What are you going to do in the first 6 months?
– What are you going to do in the remaining time on the programme? (including ‘road map’ of assessment)
– Introduce Regional Training Lead role
Stacy Cooper
11:35am Tips to be successful on the ETP Sarah Wilson
12pm Lunch and networking
1pm British Society of Echocardiography
– Benefits and how to join
Jo Vashishta
Olivia Cassar
1:25pm Panel of current trainees, alumni and training officers
– Challenges and tips for overcoming them
Panel chair: Evelyn Greenhough
2:05pm Networking (includes refreshments)
2:35pm Role of National School of Healthcare Science: Training support Sally Clee
2:50pm The wider healthcare science arena Dr Lisa Ayers
3:20pm Questions for Regional Training Leads, Training Officers and Training Programme Director Panel chair: Evelyn Greenhough
3:50pm Final remarks Jane Lynch
4pm Close

Last updated on 24th July 2024