HSST exit with certification process now published
The programme is 5 years in duration commencing in the September of each year. Trainees will normally make a formal application to exit with certification within 3-months of the 5-year anniversary of that date.
- Published on
- 19th March 2018
- Filed under
The process for exit with certification from the HSST programme has been published on the School’s website.
The requirements for programme exit and the achievement of the Certificate of Completion of Higher Specialist Scientist Training are bespoke to the trainee’s specialism and the pathway undertaken.
The programme is 5 years in duration commencing in the September of each year. Trainees will normally make a formal application to exit with certification within 3-months of the 5-year anniversary of that date.
In the case of Cohort 1 only, the School recognises the significant variation in trainees’ appointment dates and will apply March 2015 as the global appointment date for all Cohort 1 trainees with an exit date of March 2020. A further optional six-months allowance1 will also be made for Cohort 1 due to the delayed start of the professional doctorate. For those trainees taking up this additional six-month option their exit date will be further delayed to September 2020.
Detailed guidance on the process for application to exit with certification is available here.
1 Funding for the additional six-month period is currently under discussion.