
Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme direct entry posts

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STP Data
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Here you will find the number of posts, the number of applicants per post and the competition ratio for each specialty year by year.


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Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme 2023 direct entry posts

The following data provides evidence of how many applications there were, per post, for each of the specialisms.
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Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme 2022 direct entry posts

The following data provides evidence of how many applications there were, per post, for each of the specialisms.
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Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme 2021 direct entry posts

The following data provides evidence of how many applications there were, per post, for each of the specialisms.
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Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme 2020 direct entry posts

The following data provides evidence of how many applications there were, per post, for each of the specialisms.
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Competition ratios for Scientist Training Programme 2019 direct entry posts

The following data provides evidence of how many applications there were, per post, for each of the specialisms.


The data is only in relation to STP recruitment in England and does not include data for recruitment in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales.

Last updated on 29th January 2024

Changelog for this publication:

  • 19 January 2024:

    2023 data added and 2018 data removed