
Mitigating Circumstances Policy

Filed under
NSHCS Policies
Publication type

The Mitigating Circumstances Policy allows you to raise matters in a timely way that you believe would affect your ability to participate in your final assessment, or your ability to demonstrate your understanding, competence, or readiness to practice.


Word Document

Mitigating Circumstances Policy v1.1

ODT / 211.20 Kb
The Mitigating Circumstances Policy allows you to raise matters in a timely way that you believe would affect your ability to participate in your final assessment, or your ability to demonstrate your understanding, competence, or readiness to practice.
Word Document

Mitigating Circumstances form v1.1

ODT / 853.85 Kb
The Mitigating Circumstances Policy allows you to raise matters in a timely way that you believe would affect your ability to participate in your final assessment, or your ability to demonstrate your understanding, competence, or readiness to practice.

Last updated on 21st August 2024

Changelog for this publication:

  • 21 August 2024:

    Policy and form updated to v1.1