
STP Monthly Memo (July 2024)

The STP Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for STP trainees and training officers.

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Information for second year trainees

Training activity and competency submissions in OneFile

As part of the work to update OneFile in line with the new curriculum and the transition from ‘competencies’ to ‘training activities’, in January 2024 we introduced ‘Training activity’ as a submission method/type in OneFile.

In January we informed all 2022 trainees and their Training Officers that all new training activity submissions should now be made using the ‘Training activity’ submission method. Additionally, we also informed 2022 trainees and their Training Officers that in order to enable the sign off of existing submissions that have used the ‘Competency’ submission method we will leave the ‘Competency’ submission method open until 5pm on Wednesday 4 September 2024.

We expect that this time from January until September has allowed trainees with any pending submissions to finish curating their evidence for those submissions, and to have any submitted work reviewed and signed off.  From 5pm on Wednesday 4 September, the ‘Competency’ submission method will no longer be available.  Any Competency still in draft mode, or submitted but not signed off, will remain in that state, and will have to be recreated using the ‘Training Activity’ submission method. Any Competencies already signed off will remain signed off, available to view in a trainee portfolio and will still count towards progress.

As we outlined in January, please ensure that any new submission is now created using the ‘Training Activity’ submission method. The ‘Competency’ submission method, while still available, should no longer be used to create new submissions.

Please get in touch with us on the Servicedesk at if you have any further queries about this issue.


Information for all trainees

STP academic timetable dates – 2024 to 2025

This new page on the School website includes dates from all of the university providers of when trainees are expected to attend lectures, either on campus or online.

Find out more about STP academic timetable dates

Opportunity to support STP Induction 2024

We are looking for trainee volunteers to represent the STP during our online induction. The event will take place on Microsoft Teams over two half days on Tuesday 10 September and Wednesday 11 September 2024.

Thank you to those who have already been in contact. We still require:

University trainee representatives

We are looking for trainees to represent the following universities at the networking section.

  • Aston University
  • Liverpool University
  • Swansea University

As a university trainee representative you will be available to answer questions about studying at the university and share any advice or tips for the new trainees that will be attending this year.

This is a fantastic opportunity for trainees to develop their public speaking skills and support the new intake starting in September.

If you would like to volunteer for a role at induction this year please email us at with the role title you’d like to volunteer for and why you are well suited to the role.

Trainee responsibilities against the standards

Taking on the trainer role is a significant responsibility and commitment. To support your trainer and departmental colleagues to navigate these responsibilities we have developed and published a set of standards which clearly articulate what is expected of them. You as the trainee also have responsibilities in relation to these training standards as you are an active participant in your own learning journey.

The training standards and expectations for the STP and ETP trainers are:

  • Standard 1. Plan, design and assess learning and training opportunities
  • Standard 2. Monitor your trainee’s progress and provide them with constructive feedback
  • Standard 3. Support your trainee in taking responsibility for their own learning
  • Standard 4. Embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion into training
  • Standard 5. Know the limitations of your role and signpost to other sources of support, where appropriate

The trainer standards and trainee responsibilities do not add new expectations or responsibilities to the trainer or trainee. Instead, they are designed to articulate existing expectations more concisely enabling a structure for the additional training and guidance.

Read the NSHCS training standards trainee responsibilities

Quick guides for trainees on the NHS Learning Hub

To support trainees through their training we have developed a trainee section in our NHS Learning Hub catalogue. Within this section we have developed ‘quick guides’ for trainees on specific topics mapped against the training standards.  The current available guides and those in development are identified below.

Standard 1. Plan, design and assess learning and training opportunities

Guides available for trainees:

  • Planning for assessment
  • Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities
  • Planning for learning

Standard 2. Monitor your trainee’s progress and provide them with constructive feedback

Guides available for trainees:

  • Using feedback effectively to improve practice

Standard 3. Support your trainee in taking responsibility for their own learning

Guides available for trainees:

  • Action planning and target setting
  • Managing imposter feelings
  • Developing as an independent learner

Standard 4. Embed equality, diversity and inclusion into training

Guides available for trainees:

  • Conscious inclusion

Guides in development:

  • Embedding the NHS values and principles of ED&I into practice

Standard 5. Know the limitations of your role and signpost to other sources of support, where appropriate 

Guides available for trainees:

  • Accepting help from others
  • Managing your health and wellbeing

In the trainee section you will also find two training modules on ‘Reflective practice in healthcare science’.

To access the NHS Learning Hub you will need to have an account with the service.

Find out how to access trainee resources on the NHS Learning Hub

Quick guide for trainees to developing evidence for training activities

One of the most frequent requests that we receive at the School is for more guidance about how trainees can and should develop their evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities / competencies. In response to this important need, we have recently published a new quick guide for trainees in our catalogue of learning materials on the NHS Learning Hub, entitled ‘Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities’.

This guide focuses on what makes good evidence for training activities in work-based training. The guide addresses how different types of evidence can be generated in the course of work-based training and it offers guidance about the different types of evidence that can be generated for the different types of training activity (whether for an entrustable training activity, an observational training activity or a developmental training activity).

This new body of guidance is fully aligned with the new STP curricula and the NSHCS work-based assessment standards. It will provide trainees with concrete help to meet those standards. The module is also fully aligned with the recently-published NSHCS training standards and expectations. It is part of a set of quick guides associated with training standard 1: Plan, design and assess learning and training opportunities.

To access the NHS Learning Hub you will need to have an account with the service. Further details on how to do this can be found within the trainee responsibilities page on the School website.

View the module ‘Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities’ on the trainee pages of the Learning Hub

Guy’s and St Thomas’ Virtual Prenatal Genetics Course

This course will take place on six half-day sessions between 16 October 2024 and 28 November 2024.

The course will provide the background scientific knowledge needed to understand the theory behind the application of genetics in a prenatal setting. The scientific content will be complemented with case based examples and practical exercises to connect the scientific theory to the application in your day to day practice.

Participants will be equipped with the basics of prenatal genetic counselling and managing complex scenarios as well as an update on new technologies. They will also gain skills in taking a family history and assessing when a referral on to clinical genetics is indicated.

Find out more about the Virtual Prenatal Genetics Course


Information for training officers

STP academic timetable dates – 2024 to 2025

This new page on the School website includes dates from all of the university providers of when trainees are expected to attend lectures, either on campus or online.

Find out more about STP academic timetable dates

Sign up for our next Sharing Good Practice webinars

The next webinars in our Sharing Good Practice series are:

  • Supporting trainees in the workplace – Thursday 18 July at 2pm. Find out more and sign up for this webinar.
  • Delivering training in the workplace – Thursday 13 August at 10am. Find out more and sign up for this webinar.

If you would like to present at the ‘Delivering training in the workplace’ webinar, please email our Education Training Manager, Sally Clee directly

View a recording of our recent Sharing Good Practice webinar on ‘Approaches to the delivery of the STP’

‘Approaches to the delivery of the STP’, the second webinar in our Sharing Good Practice series, took place on Wednesday 22 May 2024.

View a recording of this webinar

New learning modules for trainers in the NHS Learning Hub

We have recently published the new modules outlined below in our catalogue of learning materials on the NHS Learning Hub. To access the NHS Learning Hub you will need to have an account with the service. The details on how to do this can be found within the training standards pages on the School website.

Explore opportunities in practice to embed the NHS values and the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion 

This module aims to:

  • introduce good practice in embedding equality, diversity and inclusion when planning learning and training opportunities

View the module ‘Explore opportunities in practice to embed the NHS values and the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion’ in the Learning Hub

Developing coaching and mentoring skills 

This module aims to:

  • explain and demonstrate the differences between coaching and mentoring
  • explore the different techniques used in the coaching relationship to develop a trainee
  • reflect upon how implementing a range of approaches along the ‘push – pull continuum’ can enhance learning

View the module ‘Developing coaching and mentoring skills’ in the Learning Hub

Explore strategies to signpost effectively whilst maintaining a professional relationship

This module aims to:

  • identify the importance of signposting in the trainee, trainer relationship
  • explore strategies of how to signpost trainees to appropriate sources of support whilst maintaining the professional relationship

View the module ‘Explore strategies to signpost effectively whilst maintaining a professional relationship’ in the Learning Hub

Launch of the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in Intraoperative Neuromonitoring

We are very pleased to share with you the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in in Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM).

We launched the curricula with a webinar featuring Lead Editor Rachel Hutchings discussing the benefits of the new curricula and STP Training Programme Director EMma Bowers talking through the steps to hosting a trainee on this pathway in your department.

Find out more about the programme and watch the webinar

Shape the agenda of the November Education and Training Collaborative

The School is currently thinking about the NSHCS Education and Training Collaborative in November and would welcome any suggestions for areas of discussion or specific agenda items.

If you have or haven’t attended the collaborative previously, we would appreciate any thoughts you may have on pertinent areas for the Collaborative programme to incorporate. Please let us know your thoughts by completing the survey linked to below.

Share your suggestions for agenda items for the NSHCS Education and Training Collaborative

New level 4 Medical Physics apprenticeship programme starts this summer

This new apprenticeship programme is suitable for staff who have already completed the Level 2 Healthcare Science Assistant Apprenticeship, or those who have equivalent medical physics experience and GCSE Science.

Apprentices will complete a BTEC Level 4 Diploma in Healthcare Science, as well as building a portfolio of evidence against the Healthcare Science Associate standard which is assessed independently by the End-Point Assessment service at the National School of Healthcare Science.

The programme is due to start with the first cohort in August 2024.

Find out more about the apprenticeship, entry requirements and how to apply

LabMed Management and Leadership course

This course, which is only open to LabMed members, will be held from 19 to 23 August 2024 at Canterbury Christ Church University. It includes topics such as NHS structure and organisation, finance and clinical leadership.

Find out more and register for this course


Missed a previous edition of the STP Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for STP trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the STP Monthly Memo.

Last updated on 27th January 2025

This publication is part of STP Monthly Memo (2024)