This edition will update you on the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on many different aspects of healthcare science training. We will be continuously updating our COVID website hub and Twitter page to provide key information as it becomes available.
Message from Professor Berne Ferry
In my blog this month I wanted to start by saying a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of our fantastic Healthcare Scientists (and your families) who, despite all of you confronting challenging situations both in work and personally, continue to work tirelessly to help patients at this time.
Project Nightingale hospitals
You will no doubt be aware that the COVID-19 response means that the NHS is delivering care very differently than usual. Healthcare scientists have a vital role to play and we’re aware that many existing staff want to offer their time and expertise.
We are working closely with the Chief Scientific Officer’s office in NHS England to identify how the transferrable skills of healthcare scientists across our many specialties can be called upon so that healthcare scientists of all specialties can be up-skilled and redeployed against the virus.
Cancellation of multiple School-led events
We have taken the decision to postpone or cancel a range of our school-led meetings and events including:
- STP recruitment interviews
- STP curriculum review
- STP and HSST Train the Trainer summer events
- EPA April conference
- End-point assessments
We will be continuously updating our COVID website hub to to provide key information as it becomes available and will email Trainees and Training Officers impacted by these decisions.