
Training roles on the Scientist Training Programme (STP)

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Accreditation resources for work-based providers
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Training officer

The training officer will take overall responsibility for the trainee for the duration of their training. Responsibilities include:

  • agreeing with the trainee the assessor/reviewer for each assessment in advance of the assessment taking place
  • liaising with the local supervisor about assessments when the trainee is on a rotation
  • monitoring and management of access to OneFile within the department
  • reviewing the trainee’s use of OneFile and identifying and managing any issues in progression
  • picking up any issues with colleagues where there is a delay in undertaking the assessment

Training officers will be responsible for ensuring that evidence used for trainee competency log, assessments and reflective log is appropriate and that no patient identifiable data is uploaded or stored on the system at any time in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Training officers must also ensure that any supporting documentation used does not breach copyright regulations.


Training co-ordinator

The training co-ordinator provides oversight and support for trainees within one or more specialisms across a number of different employers where training is being delivered across multiple sites or within formalised training consortia. This role can be applied to all specialisms where it exists within the agreed training arrangements.

The training coordinator will have a level of access to OneFile similar to that of the training officer and will be expected to engage regularly with the training sites to provide support and guidance to trainees and trainers. They will be responsible for acting on behalf of the consortium to oversee training as a whole.

Individual training co-ordinators should be known to and agreed with the head of department and training officer prior to being nominated by the trainee on OneFile. Training co-ordinators will be expected to work in collaboration with the School to ensure training is delivered appropriately across the specialisms and training departments they are responsible for.



When a trainee is away from the host department for a period of time, for example on rotation, a local supervisor will be nominated by the Head of Department and agreed with the training officer. The supervisor will undertake the support role for the trainee whilst they are within their department.

The supervisor will take overall responsibility whilst the trainee is in their department for:

  • agreeing with the trainee the local assessor/reviewer for each assessment in advance of the assessment taking place
  • liaising with the local training officer about assessments when the trainee in on a rotation
  • monitoring and management of access to OneFile within the local department
  • reviewing the trainee’s use of OneFile and identifying any issues in progression to the training officer
  • picking up with colleagues where there is a delay in undertaking the assessment

The supervisor will be expected to meet regularly with the trainee whilst they are within the department to ensure that individuals are progressing through the assessments as appropriate within the training programme. Supervisors will have access to summary screens on OneFile, which will show trainee progress and assessor response rates so that any issues with progression whilst the trainee is in the department can be managed as appropriate.

The supervisor will be expected to ensure that appropriately trained staff are used for the online assessments and that any relevant information about the training and assessment is cascaded within the department appropriately.

Supervisors will be responsible for ensuring that the trainee, whilst in the department and is completing the competency log or undertaking any assessments, does not upload or store patient identifiable data on OneFile in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Supervisors must also ensure that any supporting documentation used does not breach copyright regulations. This includes data from sources other than the employing trust/organisation.



An assessor can be anyone who is appropriate to assess a learning outcome via a CBD, DOPS or OCE assessment. Assessors need to be agreed with the training officer/ supervisor in advance. It is the responsibility of the assessor to oversee the completion of the assessment relevant for each trainee and to ensure that the assessments are completed within an appropriate timescale.

The assessor will be responsible for signing off the assessment on OneFile as the assessment is completed. The assessor is also responsible for recognising and reporting to the training officer/supervisor where a trainee has not been able to complete the assessment. The assessor should work with the trainee to identify an action plan that will address any training needs and repeat the assessment in reasonable time.

Ideally assessments should be completed within three weeks of the request email being received. The assessor should be responsible for ensuring that assessments are undertaken in an appropriate environment and that risk assessments are performed to ensure all assessments comply with local health and safety policies.

Raters will be identified as part of the Multi Source Feedback (MSF) assessment process by the trainee and will be required to complete an anonymised assessment on the individual within an identified timescale.

Reviewers are responsible for signing off individual competencies using the online competency log as part of the trainee’s ongoing progression through the programme. Reviewers will be required to view and comment on evidence provided by the trainee and make an informed judgement on whether the individual competency has been demonstrated. Where a trainee has not demonstrated a particular competency the reviewer should provide further guidance to the trainee. Should the trainee not be able to complete the competency then the reviewer will be responsible for notifying the training officer within good time.

It is important that any assessor, rater or reviewer who is nominated by a trainee is sufficiently qualified and able to assess a CBD, DOPS, OCEs or review a competency record and pass judgement on its suitability.

Last updated on 24th June 2021