Cardiac Science

Cardiac Science involves analysing known and suspected heart disease.


Healthcare science staff working in this field carry out diagnostic, monitoring and analytical procedures for patients ranging from babies to the elderly. They also assist in interventional procedures. They have considerable direct patient contact and often work as part of a large team.

Procedures include:

  • echocardiography – using ultrasound to obtain pictures of the heart to help diagnose and monitor diseases that affect the structure and function of the heart including heart valves and/or muscle
  • pacemaker implantation and follow-up – taking measurements and programming pacemaker devices to ensure they are functioning correctly when they are implanted and during long term follow up
  • exercise stress testing – closely monitoring a patient as they exercise (usually on a treadmill) to test if the blood vessels supplying the heart are working properly. Can be used as part of diagnosis or monitoring the response to treatment including surgery.

Those working in Cardiac Science undertake routine tests for patients such as electrocardiograms (ECGs) and blood pressure measurement.  They may assess patients using diagnostic equipment and often provide technical reports of the tests.

Scientists at a more senior level perform more complex tests and interpret the results. They will teach and supervise other members of the team.


More about Cardiac Science

Watch these videos from Scientist Training Programme trainees, Kieran O’Connor, Robert Duguid and Tim Husselbury. All talking about what life is like as an STP trainee.



Last updated on 15th February 2024