Apply now for the Clinical Entrepreneur Programme
Applications are welcomed from a diverse range of clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals with an interest in entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Published on
- 19th October 2021
- Filed under
- NHS, Technology
The Clinical Entrepreneur Programme is an educational workforce development programme designed for NHS staff and those providing NHS services who want to develop and scale their most innovative ideas for patient benefit.
Places on this prestigious programme will be offered, through a competitive process, to applicants who have developed clinical innovations to improve patient care and support service redesign through commercial and non-commercial enterprises. The programme allows entrepreneurs to pursue their innovation without having to leave the health service, providing a wider benefit to economic growth through inward investment in the health, social care and life science sectors.
Further details about what the programme offers is available, together with a video from Sally Sheppard (Specialist Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist) about her experiences on the programme.