
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Scientist Trainee Network; read all about this new trainee network

Published on
18th August 2020
Filed under
Trainee Network Group

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Scientist Trainee Network is a team of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic trainees and allies working together to identify areas for change and drive improvement. This network offers a space for sharing experience and facilitating learning and development.

The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Scientist Trainee Network was developed following the publication of our Open letter to the NSHCS published in July. We aim to influence organisational strategy and policy changes directed at improving the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic trainees throughout their STP training. We work to create a multicultural, compassionate and respectful environment that enables Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic trainees to fulfil their calling of providing outstanding professional care for patients. We understand that misconceptions based on race in healthcare can lead to significant negative outcomes for patients. We are therefore wholly committed to the development of a diverse and antiracist STP trainee workforce through lobbying for crucial changes to the healthcare science curriculum. We believe this will bring us close to improved outcomes for the patients we serve and potentially save lives.

Currently, we are actively working with the NSHCS to look at the interview and training processes in the STP. Last week we met with Berne Ferry and the team at NSHCS in a meeting set up in response to our open letter. This was a productive meeting in which the NSHCS acknowledged the systemic problems demonstrated by the data. The NSHCS indicated that they were open to change, and invited us to further collaboration.

We encourage all STPs to follow us on Twitter and sign up to our mailing list. Alternatively, you can email us at the address below.

Our Network was developed during lockdown by individuals who saw a systemic problem and wanted to help. We are evolving and learning at every step, and so we encourage any trainee who wants to be involved to engage with us on this journey; by getting involved directly, sending us suggestions or experiences, and starting conversations within your own department.

Contact details

Twitter: @bame_STN

Mailing list:


Last updated on 18th May 2022

Feature image for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Scientist Trainee Network; read all about this new trainee network