Call for abstracts for UK Faculty of Clinical Informatics Annual Conference 2021
All abstracts will be considered for both oral and poster presentation.
- Published on
- 6th April 2021
- Filed under
- Events, Healthcare science
The Faculty of Clinical Informatics is pleased to announce the 2nd UKFCI Annual Scientific Conference to take place on Thursday 1st July 2021. In addition to presentations from invited speakers, part of the 2021 conference is reserved for 12 scientific papers selected from the best abstracts submitted from the membership of FCI UK and others – these will be a major part of the event. Submission of abstracts is open for both for presentation in the main programme and for poster presentations. The closing date for abstracts is Monday 12th April 2021.
Main programme abstracts
Sessions in the main programme will be presented orally. Each presenter is allocated a 10-minute session followed by a 10-minute joint question and answer session in the most suitable sector of the conference programme. If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, you will receive a free delegate place for the whole of the conference (speakers selected from the call for abstracts do not receive a speaker fee or expenses).
ePoster presentation abstracts
Presenters will have a choice of format for their posters:
- Option 1 – As a traditional PowerPoint presentation on our Conference website with slides only (maximum 6 slides) but with the presenter recorded presenting their slides on the Conference website.
- Option 2 – As a multi-media presentation – either as a timed PowerPoint presentation with audio included or as a recorded video presentation (maximum time 4 minutes).
If your abstract is accepted as an ePoster you will get a 25% discount on your conference registration fee.
All abstracts should be emailed to before 12th April 2021; we cannot accept any abstracts after this date. You can download a copy of the abstract submission form on the UKFCI website.
If you have any queries please email
Guidance for abstract submission
All abstracts should include the following:
- all abstracts should be completed on the abstract submission form
- all should include: title, author details (name, job title, organisation)
- maximum 400 words (longer abstracts will not be reviewed)
- abstracts will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- relevance to the clinical informatics workforce and their requirements and challenges
- contribution to clinical informatics knowledge and practice
- originality
- completeness and comprehensiveness
- clarity of objectives, methods, results and conclusions
- when emailing your abstract please name your word document ‘UKFCI conference 2021 & your name/name of first author’
- abstracts will be reviewed by the Faculty of Clinical Informatics Abstracts Review Committee – all decisions are final and at the judges’ discretion
The areas on which we are seeking scientific papers include all aspects of healthcare informatics including:
- electronic connectivity
- interoperability
- setting up and running virtual clinics
- lessons learned from compliance issues
- PACS learning experiences
- data analytics
- epistemology
- research methods in informatics
- population health factors
- genomics and its relevance to clinical informatics practice
- Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Decision support
- Socio-technical aspects of Clinical Informatics
- workforce competencies and capabilities
- informatics pathways
- the nursing role in digital innovation
- allied health professional digital innovations
- reducing medication errors and clinical decision support
- social care digital developments
- mental health informatics