
Calling staff, educators and students in Healthcare Science to join the South East Healthcare Science Network

Published on
10th May 2023
Filed under
Trainer Officer Network

The South East Healthcare Science Network brings the four Healthcare Science groups together online, under a single umbrella: Pathology (Laboratory) Sciences, Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, Physiological Sciences and Bioinformatics.

At the click of a button, the network provides access to:

  • Researching funding opportunities
  • Careers information
  • CPD and training resources
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Healthcare Science and STEM Ambassadors
  • Mentoring, leadership skills and viva practice
  • Apprenticeship and placement information
  • Networking with people in Healthcare Science across the region

and much more……

This collaborative approach highlights the many areas of common interest across different Healthcare Science disciplines and strengthens the Healthcare Science community.

Click this link to download a poster from the South East Healthcare Science Network for further information.

To join the Network please email

Last updated on 11th May 2023

Feature image for Calling staff, educators and students in Healthcare Science to join the South East Healthcare Science Network