
Congratulations to our first trainees on completing the Echocardiography Training Programme

These trainees have demonstrated a high standard of proficiency in clinical echocardiography for the benefit of our patients.

Published on
9th June 2022
Filed under
Echocardiography Training Programme

We are absolutely delighted that our first trainees have completed the Echocardiography Training Programme (ETP). The Echocardiography Training Programme represents an accelerated pathway for Cardiac Physiologists to gain the knowledge, skills and experience to complete British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) Accreditation.

Jane Lynch, Regional Dean for Healthcare Science and Training Programme Director at the National School of Healthcare Science said:

This ambitious programme was designed to rapidly address the workforce shortage of Echocardiographers and we are proud to see our first trainees complete the programme.

Echocardiography is central to diagnosis and treatment in a very wide range of pathways and conditions, and increasing training opportunities in this field is vital to meet future challenges and provide timely access to quality assured Echocardiography. By completing the programme and gaining BSE Accreditation, these trainees have demonstrated a high standard of proficiency in clinical echocardiography for the benefit of our patients.

We recognise the huge amount of work put in by all of the trainees, training officers and everyone involved in delivering the programme particularly at this challenging time.
I would like to congratulate all of our successful trainees and wish you all a very successful and rewarding career.

Last updated on 9th June 2022

Feature image for Congratulations to our first trainees on completing the Echocardiography Training Programme