
First Curriculum Review Meeting

After the initial announcement, Curriculum Review for the Scientist Training Programme (STP) has officially begun!

Published on
5th June 2019
Filed under
Curriculum, STP

On Friday 31st May, leading Clinical Scientists and senior figures from the NHS, industry and universities met as the Core Curriculum Group. The aim of this first meeting was to consider and discuss the core content of the STP, with a particular focus on:

‘What key elements of practice should all Clinical Scientists be able to demonstrate on day one on the job?’.

We had a hugely positive and productive day, with lots of interesting discussions and debates relating to resilience, informatics and leadership, as well as what it means to be a Clinical Scientist in the NHS today.

The aim of this group is to review the core content of the STP, including the development of the core modules that introduce important concepts, skills and knowledge underpinning Healthcare Science and practice as a Clinical Scientist.

The group will be meeting again to continue the productive discussions and we are looking forward to welcoming our Public and Patient Representatives to the group.

Last updated on 22nd July 2019

Feature image for First Curriculum Review Meeting