
Health researchers; we want your stories for new magazine ‘The Researcher’

Published on
23rd March 2016
Filed under

Contribute to the first magazine written by health researchers for health researchers. If you are a health researcher with a real life story to tell, then ‘The Researcher’ magazine are looking for your help. This new magazine aims to communicate just what it means to be a health researcher and are inviting you to send in your story which could be featured in one of the three planned editions this year.

All you need to do is pick a topic from the real-life research topics provided, write your story and send it through to the magazine by Tuesday 29th March 2016.

Details on the topics and where to send your story are available together with more about the magazine’s plans.

Last updated on 13th August 2019

Feature image for Health researchers; we want your stories for new magazine ‘The Researcher’