Guidance about management issues and the HSST trainee

Here are answers to some of the issues you may face whilst managing a HSST trainee.


What should I do if a trainee requires extended leave from the programme?

In the specific case of statutory maternity leave NHS employees are entitled to up to 52 weeks of leave. Employing Trusts will have their own specific policies however, these are governed by the standard NHS terms and conditions as described by NHS Employers. We will then adjust the deadlines for completion of workplace-based assessments to take account of this proportionately.

If a HSST trainee wishes to take any extended leave, including maternity leave or part-time working, please advise them to contact the School as soon as possible to discuss and agree an appropriate timeline for completion of the programme. Any planned leave from the programme, including maternity leave, will require a reviewed training plan. This must be written by the trainee and the trainer and submitted to the School and NHS England to be signed off with agreed timelines to ensure any mitigation of risks are identified.

The trainee must also contact Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE) and agree with them a timeline for the completion of the academic components of the programme.

Similar guidelines would be enacted for other forms of statutory leave including paternity leave.


Can a trainee move between employers?

Trainees do on occasion request a transfer of their training contract from their original employer to another employer, both within and outside the NHS England commissions office that had originally commissioned the position. This can cause issues as HSST posts are agreed as a local or wider (consortium, regional) workforce need within a current employers workforce plan. A distinction also needs to be drawn between those who have already embarked on the HSST programme and those yet to start but who have received an offer of appointment.

We can help and advise with transfer arrangements. However, it is the responsibility of the trainee to negotiate between the employers, who provide the salary, and the commissioners who provide the educational allowance. We understand that personal circumstances can change during a five-year training programme and that at times individuals may need to move from one location to another. In all cases of transfers the new training centre must meet the School’s standards and conditions of approval for HSST training. Also, no further places would be supported for the original organisation until any amounts due under the agreement had been paid in full.

Transfers within the local NHS England commissions region

If a trainee has not yet taken up their post and the proposed transfer is within the local NHS England commissions region, the local NHS England office must agree the transfer of the training allowance between employers within its area. Salary costs would be the responsibility of the actual employer. This would be a matter for agreement between both employers and the local NHS England office and subject to consideration of local manpower planning and the impact of the local health economy. Where an agreement can be reached, the designated location of the HSST training post would move to the new employer. However, this would be subject to a formal commitment by the new employer to undertake the training responsibilities and meet all associated local costs. Where an agreement cannot be reached and a trainee chooses to continue with the transfer, we would record them as declining the offered HSST post and the post to which they transfer, would not be eligible for designation as a HSST training post at the time of the transfer.

If a trainee has already started their HSST training and has been in post for a minimum of 12 months, such a transfer is possible. It will require an agreement between both current and proposed employers and the local NHS England office. Authorisation of the transfer requires that a formal commitment be given by the new employer to undertake the training responsibilities and all associated costs. If an employer is unable to meet these requirements and the trainee chooses to continue with the transfer, their status would be recorded as having exited the programme.

Transfer outside the local NHS England commissions region

If a trainee has not yet taken up their HSST post and applies for transfer of training outside the local NHS England commissions region, this request will be denied. Funding of the HSST post is with the identified employer only and the training allowance is similarly allocated and restricted to the local NHS England commissions region. If the trainee chooses to continue with the transfer, we would record them as declining the offered HSST post. The post to which they transferred would not be eligible for designation as a HSST training post. The local commissioner and employer would have to consider whether the post, if an In-Service post, could change into a Direct Entry post.

If a trainee has already started their HSST training and has been in post for a minimum of 12 months, such a transfer may be possible. It will require an agreement between both current and proposed employers and also of the local NHS England office. Authorisation of the transfer requires a formal commitment be given by the new employer to undertake the training responsibilities and all associated costs. If an employer is unable to meet these requirements and the trainee chooses to continue with the transfer, their status would be recorded as having exited the programme.


Can a trainee continue on the programme if they move to a new role?

If a trainee moves to another role for professional advancement, it is important that their new employer is aware of, and agreeable to, the continuing commitment and support required to ensure the training for HSST can be completed.

The trainee must inform the School and their local education office of their change of role. Assurances that their new employer can offer a suitable training environment will also be required.


What are the requirements for HSST Trainees protected time?

An allowance of 52 days each year protected time, used flexibly for academic studies and which excludes the time spent attending residential sessions at the HEI or other time attending conferences or on placement outside the host laboratory.

Last updated on 31st January 2025