Evidence for HSST assessment

A variety of evidence types can be used by the trainee when submitting evidence for assessment.


The scope of evidence that can be submitted is wide-ranging and is determined through a bespoke pathway. Evidence should show the specialist knowledge acquired through the professional doctorate programme and the workplace. Workplace-based evidence submitted for assessment should demonstrate the appropriate application of specialty knowledge and skills. This is demonstrated by the quality and types of evidence submitted and to the learning outcomes of the specialist curriculum.

Each HSST pathway will require evidence that is bespoke to the individual and is negotiated with you through the creation of a training plan. The training plan is designed to help determine the types of evidence required and we expect a variety of evidence types to be used to support the achievement of progression. When submitting evidence your trainee must highlight their role in the work. For example, identifying whether the work has been carried out through group work activities.

Evidence that is submitted for assessment needs to be:

  • Sufficient – Covering all aspects of the assessment criteria for each of the learning outcomes (LO) and standards of proficiency (SoP) referenced. Sufficient does not mean a mass of evidence. It simply means collecting enough evidence to demonstrate competence.
  • Authentic – Evidence put forward for assessment should be explained and substantiated. It is important that the submitted evidence relates only to the trainee’s own performance and that it can be declared at programme exit as authentic.
  • Relevant – Any evidence for assessment must relate specifically to the specialist programme and bespoke pathway the trainee is pursuing. An assessor should only be interested in the evidence of performance pertinent to the LO and SoP referenced in the submission. It is not necessary to include reference documents, training materials or other evidence that does not demonstrate competence.
  • Current – ‘Current’ means evidence relating to the appropriate specialty knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours a trainee can currently demonstrate and which clearly relate to the activities and areas of work a trainee could still perform if required to do so.
  • Cross-referenced – Evidence (especially written) must be referenced to the LO and SoP of the programme being undertaken. A clear referencing system is essential.

You should work with the trainee to determine what is meant by sufficient, authentic, relevant and current and this should be reflected through an agreed training plan and through regular (monthly) recorded reflective meetings to discuss progression cross-referenced to the LO and SoP.

Evidence that is acceptable can be divided into two main categories – direct and indirect.


Direct evidence

Direct evidence can include:

  • performance being observed by an assessor
  • projects or work-based assignments
  • personal reports
  • minutes of meetings, action plans, progress reports
  • internal and external correspondence
  • prior qualifications which relate directly to the LO and SoP
  • product evidence e.g. examples, samples, photographs
  • responses to oral or written questions
  • video or authenticated audio tapes
  • supervisor observations
  • performance appraisal and multi-source feedback with reflection

Indirect evidence

Indirect evidence can include:

  • witness testimonies from people within or outside the organisation
  • achievement in related areas
  • attendance on courses/training activities relevant to the LO and SoP
  • membership of related committees or outside organisations
  • previous evidence from assignments, tests and other forms of assessment that have been achieved
  • documents produced through work-related activities such as reports and related material
  • reports by supervisors and managers

Such indirect evidence will likely be used mainly to support or confirm direct evidence.