
HSST Monthly Memo (June 2024)

The HSST Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for HSST trainees and supervisors.

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Introduction from Dr Owen Driskell

Believe it or not silent discos have been around since the 70s. I was surprised. They are silent only to those observing from the outside. Those participating receive their musical stimuli through a feed directly to a set of headphones, allowing constraints around the production of noise pollution to be circumvented.

Unsurprisingly, social scientists have found ways of using this unique environment to look at group cohesion. Studies manipulated the feeds to observe the effects, not as I had anticipated by studying the number of times members of the disco bumped into each other – I realise if I was a subject in such a study they would have to normalise to my abject lack of rhythm and coordination – but to more sophisticated biometric measures of synchrony and self-reported satisfaction with the experience. Listening to music in time with each other, participants gave better ratings of their experience with participants looking towards and interacting with each other more. It revealed that sharing time as well as space is important in bonding on the dancefloor. I have no hope.

These studies were achieved by changing the speed or phase of the same piece of music. But what if they weren’t even listening to the same tune or even listening at all? “Communication is important…  Miscommunication can be as a result of differences in use of language, imprecise use of language, contextual or cultural misunderstandings, interpretation based on false information, hearing impairments, or simply not listening.”

All these challenges are apparent with managing the HSST: consistency in language across a number of different organisations and fields of study, the complex contextual information of the different details of programmes for each speciality, information shared unchecked on WhatsApp groups. Sometimes there are those not even hearing yet alone listening. The Monthly Memos are one way we reach out to our busy stakeholder communities, no doubt swamped in a tidal wave of competing information inputs, to ensure that people are listening to the same thing. We do appreciate you taking the time to put your Monthly Memo headphones on.


Information for trainees

Opportunity to support HSST induction 2024

We are still looking for trainee volunteers to represent the HSST during our induction day. The event will take place on Wednesday 9 October in central Manchester.

The roles are:

Panel chair

During the day we are planning several panel sessions with guest speakers. We are looking for panel chairs to field questions from the audience and keep the sessions progressing.

Panel member

We are hosting a session with a panel of trainees. We are looking for panel members to provide advice to new trainees and answer questions from the audience.

This is a fantastic opportunity for trainees to develop their public speaking skills and support the new intake starting in October. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, and your travel expenses will be covered by the School.

If you would like to volunteer for a role at induction please email us at with the role title you’d like to volunteer for and why you are well suited to the role.

Clinical Immunology FRCPath Part 2 exam and viva preparation course

This practical course is designed for Clinical Scientists and SpR trainees who feel they need to cover the basics required for this exam. The course is being run by the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and is a 2 day residential course, in Plymouth, from the 14 to 16 August 2024.

Topics will be focused around the written paper sections and will include:

  • EQA interpretation
  • IQC familiarisation and interpretation
  • incident reporting
  • validation a verification
  • flow cytometry workshop
  • uncommon Auts
  • pitfalls of protein chemistry

To discuss course details further and register to attend please email or


Information for trainees and supervisors

Sign up for our next Sharing Good Practice webinars

The next webinars in our Sharing Good Practice series are:

  • Supporting trainees in the workplace – Thursday 18 July at 2pm. Find out more and sign up for this webinar.
  • Delivering training in the workplace – Thursday 13 August at 10am. Find out more and sign up for this webinar.

If you would like to present at either of these webinars, please email our Education Training Manager, Sally Clee directly

View a recording of our recent Sharing Good Practice webinar on ‘Approaches to the delivery of the STP’

‘Approaches to the delivery of the STP’, the second webinar in our Sharing Good Practice series, took place on Wednesday 22 May 2024.

View a recording of this webinar

Request for inspirational alumni for HSST induction 2024

We are looking for recommendations for inspirational previous trainees to provide advice to new trainees and answer questions from the audience. Please send your recommendations to

The HSST induction will take place on Wednesday 9 October in central Manchester.

Webinar to launch the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in Interoperative Neuromonitoring

We are very pleased to announce that the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in Interoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) will be launched with a webinar on Friday 14 June at 12:30pm.

This curriculum provides a specialist route in Interoperative Neuromonitoring through the Neurophysiology STP. At the webinar Lead Editor Rachel Hutchings will discuss the benefits of the new curricula and STP Training Programme Director EMma Bowers will talk through the steps to hosting a trainee on this pathway in your department.

Find out how to join the launch webinar (expired link)

Expressions of interest now open for new Respiratory Science and Sleep Medicine training programmes

Expressions of Interest are now open for employers to request places on the 2024 intake of both the PG Cert in Sleep Medicine and the Graduate Diploma in Respiratory Science programmes.

Find out more about funding, expressions of interest and timelines

Guy’s and St Thomas’ Virtual Prenatal Genetics Course

This course will take place on six half day sessions between 16 October 2024 and 28 November 2024.

The course will provide the background scientific knowledge needed to understand the theory behind the application of genetics in a prenatal setting. The scientific content will be complemented with case based examples and practical exercises to connect the scientific theory to the application in your day to day practice.

Participants will be equipped with the basics of prenatal genetic counselling and managing complex scenarios as well as an update on new technologies. They will also gain skills in taking a family history and assessing when a referral on to clinical genetics is indicated.

Find out more about the Virtual Prenatal Genetics Course

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion summary report 2022/23

Chanelle Peters’ annual report is now available to view on our website. As our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer Chanelle provides a summary of School EDI activities from 2022 to 2023. You can also find her previous annual reports to keep you informed of changes made over the years.

View the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion reports

Calling all parents working in the NHS – Apply now for the Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship

Too often, parents feel they must choose between an ambitious career and enjoying their young children.

The 6-month Leaders Plus NHS Fellowship, which is accredited by the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM), provides the expertise and support to help you find your own path to fulfilment at work and at home.

As part of the programme, you’ll get expert career development support, group coaching, a supportive network of peers and practical support to overcome work/life hurdles.

The Fellowship is accessible to clinical and non-clinical colleagues from any specialty. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine is generously part funding 10 spaces.

You can attend a mix of online and face-to-face sessions to suit you best and the rough time commitment is about half a day a month.

Email Jo Denoris at if you have any questions.

Visit the LeadersPlus website to find out more



Missed a previous edition of the HSST Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for HSST trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the HSST Monthly Memo.

Last updated on 28th June 2024

This publication is part of HSST Monthly Memo (2024)