
HSST Monthly Memo (June 2022)

The HSST Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for HSST trainees and supervisors.

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HSST Monthly Memo 2022
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Message from your HSST Training Programme Director

Dr Lisa Ayers

Since April 2020 the NSHCS has offered a Covid interruption process through which you were able to apply for an unfunded interruption to training as a direct result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was set up as a fast track process recognising the challenges and constraints on staff and services and the impact on access to training opportunities and time. We are pleased that this process has been very effective and used by many of you to allow you to continue with your programmes.

Following a review of the process, the current status with the pandemic and a reduced rate of applications we have taken the decision to withdraw the Covid interruption process from the end of August 2022 (the end of the academic year). We wanted to give you advanced notice so you can review your current progress, determine if you have or are currently being impacted by Covid in accordance with the criteria and give you some time to submit an application before the process closes.

You will continue to have the option to apply for changes to your training (extensions, step-offs and deferrals) via the Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) process where you meet the criteria in the policy. Click here to read the EEC policy.

If you have questions regarding your current HSST timeline or concerns about completing the programme within the timelines, please get in touch as soon as possible so that we can support you.


Information for trainees

Completion podcast

This podcast features Louise Ayers, Head of Programme Support at the School and Lisa Ayers, Training Programme Director for the HSST.

Lisa and Louise talk about the elements and activities that HSST trainees should be aware of and working towards in order to complete the programme.

Click here to listen to this podcast and make sure you are on track for completing the HSST

Opportunity to help design an end-point assessment process

Our end-point assessment service is approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency to offer the end-point assessment for the Healthcare Science Apprenticeship Standards Levels 2, 4 and 6. We would like to provide HSST trainees the opportunity to participate in the end-point assessment design process, specifically to be involved in assessment writing. An induction meeting will be held in October to discuss the specific roles and responsibilities involved within the process.

If you would like to find out more information or volunteer please email the EPA team at

Click here to view the requirements for position of writer for the End-point Assessment team (expired link)

Supporting your mental health and wellbeing

Mental health, for most people, is something that fluctuates throughout their life. In fact 1 in 6 people in England report experiencing a common mental health problem, such as anxiety and depression, in any given week. A degree of stigma still exists around mental ill health and learners in the NHS, like anyone else, may often be scared or reluctant to to talk about any mental health problems they may be having. It is important that those experiencing mental ill health know they can talk about it and receive help if they need it.

Click here to find resources to help support your mental health and wellbeing


Information for supervisors

Train the Trainer events

Are you interested in attending a series of Train the Trainer events?

​​​​​​​Click here to register your interest in attending


​​​​​​​Missed a previous edition of the HSST Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for HSST trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the HSST Monthly Memo

Last updated on 10th July 2023

This publication is part of HSST Monthly Memos (2022)