
HSST Monthly Memo (October 2022)

The HSST Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for HSST trainees and supervisors.

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HSST Monthly Memo 2022
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Message from your HSST Training Programme Director

Dr Lisa Ayers and Dr Owen Driskell

This month’s introduction is from Dr Owen Driskell.

October, and autumn is well under way, the turning of our temperate seasons a marker for the progression of the year. A good time for us to be taking stock and the Annual Review of Progression has come round again. The ARP survey is open now – you will have received the links via email – and will remain open till 5pm on Monday 14th November. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Each HSST trainee and workplace supervisor are required to fill out their own individual return. You both should be thinking about when you are going to be meeting up to discuss progress against your plans to better inform your returns.

ARP is designed to help you through the HSST and to help us to help you and the wider programme. This year Lisa and Rob, here at the School, have recorded a podcast to talk about ARP. They speak to frequently asked questions to inform you about ARP and its processes and purpose. It is well worth a listen.

Earlier this month we were privileged to welcome the new 2022 cohort of HSSTs to the programme at our induction event in Manchester. This event was held the same week as university inductions. It is always uplifting to meet you and witness the commitment and enthusiasm you have for your professions and the ambitions you have for yourselves. We hope we were able to allay some of the apprehensions you may have held. This might have been through further informing you of the programme ahead and the tips for success from people who are doing it or have done it. It may have been by raising awareness of the growing community of people who you can turn to for advice. It will be your journey and it is good to have a sense for where you are going. But it is also good to know there is support and guidance out there to help with the challenges. You can do this. Very best of luck.


Information for trainees

Annual review of progression

The Annual Review of Progression 2022 (ARP) for trainees on the HSST programme will open on Thursday 13th October at 9am and close on Monday 14th November 2022 at 5pm.

HSST trainees in their final year of training will be asked to anticipate their ‘readiness to exit’ the HSST programme.

As part of the process, all trainees and supervisors are required to complete an individual, separate online evaluation form pertaining to the trainee’s progress appropriate to the trainee’s stage on programme.

Outcomes from the review will be released to trainees and their workplace supervisors during week commencing 2nd January 2023.

Participation is a mandatory requirement for all HSST trainees in training years 2 – 5 and their workplace supervisors. Failure to participate puts future funding, accreditation and participation for trainee and/or department on the programme at risk.

We intend it to be a supportive and facilitative process so that we can assist with any barriers to progression and maximise your opportunity to be successful.

The impact of COVID-19 on training will be taken into consideration. Those who are on COVID-19 interruption are expected to participate. Those who are out of training due to exceptional circumstances or statutory leave will be reviewed at the next ARP once they return to training.

If you think you are unable to participate in ARP this year, please contact the School to confirm the reason for this by 7 October 2022.

We look forward to receiving feedback on your progress.

Click here to find more information about the ARP

Annual Review of Progression podcast

For those trainees and supervisors about to complete the 2022 ARP, please listen to our new ARP podcast which answers some of the most commonly asked questions about the process.

Click here to listen to our ARP podcast

Research project and abstract details

In order to support you and other HSSTs in the future with research projects, we have a digital platform to publicise and promote the incredible research being conducted by our HSSTs.

We are now requiring that all HSSTs whose Research Project Proposal or Extended Innovation Proposal has been accepted (and who have not previously sent us the details), complete the brief online form linked to below.

The form should only take 5-10 minutes to complete and information can be taken directly from your project proposal or abstract. Please also report on any publications or other significant outputs (such as presentations, grants/awards, changes to practice, links to research platforms or social media) that have arisen from your research project on this form. If you have previously submitted this form in 2020 but would like to update your project details and outputs, please also complete the online form below.

Click here to provide your research project and abstract details

NHS National Education and Training Survey (NETS) open

The NHS National Education and Training Survey will open on Tuesday 18 October and remain open for six weeks until 30 November.

The NETS is the only national survey open to all undergraduate and postgraduate learners undertaking a practice placement or training post in all healthcare services across England. We expect the survey to take about 10 minutes to complete.

The survey opens once each year in October and the purpose is to understand the experience of students in training.

For more information as well as help with specific queries, please see our website and FAQs or contact us at


Information for trainees and supervisors

Read the guidance about using the Turnitin Checker in OneFile

The Turnitin similarity detection feature within OneFile has now gone live.

For trainees, there are four key ‘steps’ to using the Turnitin Checker in OneFile:

  1. Prepare your work properly and professionally
  2. Only upload final versions of documents to OneFile
  3. ALWAYS use the Turnitin Checker on your work BEFORE you submit it to your training officer or assessor for sign off
  4. Review and understand the similarity reports generated for each of your files.

​​​​​​​Click here to read the guidance for trainees about using the Turnitin Checker

Click here to read the guidance for training officers and assessors about using Turnitin Checker

Appeal for assessors for the STP final assessment

We are looking to expand our pool of assessors for the STP final assessment ahead of the Summer 2023 IACC.

We are committed to a diverse and inclusive approach to the recruitment to and assessment of the STP and would welcome applications from all appropriately qualified healthcare science specialties. This may be of particular interest if you are a recently qualified Clinical Scientist or professionally registered, with 2-3 years’ experience and looking to develop your skills and career. Training is provided ahead of the first assessment.​​

Click here to find out more about the requirements and how to apply

New STP in Interperative Neuro-Monitoing in development

The School will be developing a new STP in Interoperative Neuro-Monitoring (IONM).

We will be seeking a Lead Editor to drive the process alongside the School, curriculum writers to develop the curriculum, and reviewers to provide feedback on the draft curriculum. If you have expertise or an interest in IONM and would like to be involved, please complete the form linked to below.

Curriculum development will begin later this year with the aim for the programme to be available for September 2024. This will be confirmed nearer the time.

Click here if you would like to be involved in developing a new STP in Interoperative Neuro-Monitoring (IONM)

Reach out for Healthcare Science widening participation programme

Reach out for Healthcare Science (ROfHCS) is a widening participation programme for year 10 students that has been funded since 2012 by HEE London. Reaching 300 school age students each year, we provide the opportunity for them to gain hands-on experience in Healthcare Science departments, during a week-long programme.

Do you know a year 10-13 student with an interest in science who wishes to support patients and their families?

Put together by Health Education England and Springpod, this free virtual work experience opportunity will give students the chance to look inside the healthcare science world and hear firsthand from scientists about their personal experiences. They will also be able to get career advice and take part in a series of activities.

Applications close on the 19th October 2022.

Click here to find full details of the experience and how to apply

Bereavement Education Conference 2022 – Exploring bereavement from a new perspective

NHS Education for Scotland are holding the third annual bereavement conference – a free, one-day virtual event for all health and social care staff. The conference is on Thursday 24th November from 09:00am — 16:00pm.

A range of topics will be covered including:

  • digital legacies
  • anticipatory grief
  • the bereavement experiences of gypsies and travellers
  • supporting those affected by bereavement in prison
  • the value of listening
  • bereavement following substance use
  • unexpected death – an Emergency Department perspective
  • traumatic bereavement in children and young people
  • bereavement in the workplace

Click here to register for the conference


Information for supervisors

Call for recruitment of IAPS examiners

The Higher Specialist Science Training programme is a key programme for supporting the growing establishment of consultant-level healthcare scientist practice for the NHS.

Affirmation of this level of practice is an integral part of the HSST. Candidates on the HSST who are not obtaining the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath) as part of their programme do an Independent Assessment of Professional Skills (IAPS). These are candidates in the bioinformatics, physical and physiological sciences.

Are you from these disciplines and interested in assessing at this higher level? We are looking for professionals of consultant-level to examine HSST candidates. We are currently looking for IAPS examiners for the following disciplines: Audiology, Cardiac Science, Clinical Bioinformatics Genomics, Imaging Physics, Neurophysiology, Radiotherapy Physics and Vascular Science. But if you are from any other HSST discipline from the bioinformatics, physical and physiological sciences this call is also for you as your turn will come.

What we are looking for in the IAPS examiners:

  • An HCPC registered healthcare scientist or a specialist on the General Medical Council specialty register or other relevant professional regulatory register
  • A member of their professional body, in good standing in the profession and can demonstrate substantial consultant level experience or equivalent
  • Able to demonstrate awareness of the training standard required of the candidates
  • Able to provide evidence to confirm that their employer and/or departmental colleagues agree to the examiner taking up this role and will facilitate the commitment required
  • Able to demonstrate current and relevant professional development activities
  • Required to demonstrate that they have maintained their Equality and Diversity training (certificate of mandatory training or other course taken within the last 3 years)
  • Those recently retired individuals who are within 2 years of retirement may also be considered if they are able to provide evidence of maintaining their speciality knowledge up to date.

The next round of IAPS is happening in the weeks Monday 21st November 2022 to Friday 2nd December 2022.

Contributing to this assessment is a contribution to a growing establishment of consultant-level healthcare scientist practice for the NHS for the benefit of NHS services and patients.

If you are interested, then please get in touch with the School If you know someone who would fit the description, then we ask that you encourage them to get in touch.

Annual monitoring return for 2022

All departments accredited on or before 31st March 2022, including via re-accreditation, are now asked to complete their annual monitoring return for 2022.

Annual monitoring is a requirement of your accreditation. If you do not complete your annual monitoring, this may affect your accreditation status. It will be taken into account when allocating the training contracts for the following year, following on from the Expressions of Interest process.

Annual monitoring is done through a short and simple electronic form that, in most cases, should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. We ask for details of any changes that may influence or affect the delivery of training. Please ensure that the form is returned to us by Friday 2nd December 2022.

If you have questions please e-mail the Accreditation Unit at

Healthcare Science Education and Training Collaborative Meeting – Tuesday 1 November

The Healthcare Science Education and Training Collaborative has been setup to enable collaboration between the healthcare science work-based training centres, the relevant Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and the professional bodies, and the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) – thereby ensuring education and training within healthcare science is relevant and of high quality.

We are holding our first virtual meeting on Tuesday 1st Nov from 10:00am — 16:00pm and would like to invite all HSST training supervisors to attend.

Click here to register for the event and view the agenda (expired link)


​​​​​​​Missed a previous edition of the HSST Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for HSST trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the HSST Monthly Memo

Last updated on 23rd November 2022

This publication is part of HSST Monthly Memos (2022)