Radioguided Surgery using Technetium99mTc-HYNIC-Tyr3-Octreotide (Tektrotyd) for Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (GEP-NETS)
- Programme
- Specialty
- Imaging (Ionising Radiation)
- Project published
- 01/06/2021
- Author
- Katrina Cockburn
- Training location
- Various trusts in the North East
With respect to 99mTc-Tektrotyd for localisation of GEP-NETS:
- Identify the optimal imaging parameters and image reconstruction techniques for peak target-to-background ratio on images of phantoms and on sequential images of patients to identify optimum time points
- Identify the most accurate image quantification parameters for target and normal tissue uptake values
- Small scale comparison of the number of tumours identified on pre-operative imaging, during the procedure using surgical palpation and/or using an interoperative gamma-probe
- Quantification of radiation doses received by theatre staff during RGS
- Validation of the image quantification using pre-surgical imaging and ex-vivo samples