ETP Train the Trainer webinar

If you are a new ETP training officer or just need a refresh, this series of videos will help you get up to speed.


This series of videos were recorded at the December 2024 ETP Train the Trainer session. Watch all the videos in one sitting or pop in and out when you have time.


Overview of the Echocardiography Training Programme

Jane Lynch gave an overview of the Echocardiography Training Programme to new trainers attending the ETP Train the Trainer. Jane is a STP Training Programme Director at the National School of Healthcare Science.


Panel of ETP trainees

Eleanor Clark and Sonia Ukadike talk about their experiences of being an ETP trainee. They also answered questions from the attendees at the training session.


Role of the regional Echocardiography trainers

Stacy Cooper talks about the role of the regional Echo trainers and how they were established to provide support, guidance and mentoring for ETP trainees and their departments. Stacy is an Echocardiographer and Regional Echo Trainer in North East England.


Role of a Training Officer

Evie Greenhough talks about the role of a training officer and what it entails. For example, planning and designing training, monitoring and providing feedback and supporting the trainee. Evie is Lead Cardiac Physiologist for Education and Research at St. George’s University Hospital, London.


Training planning

Namir Al Hasso talks about what is good training planning and the different types of training plans. Namir is a STP Training Programme Director at the National School of Healthcare Science.


Work-based training

Jane Lynch talks about the workings of work-based training and the different types of training activities such as DOPS, OCEs and CBDs. Jane is a STP Training Programme Director at the School of Healthcare Science.


Managing feedback

Namir Al Hasso talks about managing feedback, the importance of ongoing feedback for trainees and good practice when giving feedback. Namir is a STP Training Programme Director at the School of Healthcare Science.


The British Society of Echocardiography

Jo Vashishta talks about the accreditation process service run by the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) and what a trainee must do to achieve full BSE accreditation. Jo is Accreditation Manager at the British Society of Echocardiography.


Training support

Jane Lynch talks about training support and what resources are available to help a training officer support their trainee. Jane is a STP Training Programme Director at the National School of Healthcare Science.



Speakers from the ETP Train the Trainer session answered a variety of questions from attendees.

Last updated on 17th December 2024