Who we are

Graham Wilson

Graham is the Training Programme Director for Undergraduate and Apprenticeships and has over 30 years' experience as a Biomedical Scientist.

Job title
Apprentice and Undergraduate Training Programme Director / Regional Dean for South West
Operational Management Team

Graham is the Training Programme Director for Undergraduate and Apprenticeships at the National School of Healthcare Science. Working with healthcare scientists Graham developed and implemented the end-point assessment for the assistant and associate apprenticeship standards that is currently used by the Schools end-point assessment team.

Graham has over thirty years’ experience as a Biomedical Scientist with a special interest in the training and development of staff. He first joined the National School of Healthcare Science in 2012. He was a Council Member of the Institute of Biomedical Science and is the Chair of the Clinical Chemistry Advisory Panel.

Grahams motivation is to help people believe in themselves and to support them in achieving their goals. What helps Graham is listening to music with a glass of tasty red wine!

Last updated on 2nd April 2024

A photo of Graham Wilson