Who we are

Owen Driskell

Owen is a Clinical Biochemist and joined the School to help us support Clinical Academic Careers for scientists in the NHS.

Job title
Deputy HSST Training Programme Director / Regional Dean for South East
Operational Management Team

Owen did a PhD at the University of Manchester studying the role of microtubule motors in endosomal sorting of membrane receptors. He then trained as a Clinical Scientist in Biochemistry in the West Midlands, working in a hospital laboratory in Stoke–on–Trent for nine years. During this time, he completed one of the first round of National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Chief Scientific Officer’s HCS Research Fellowships (now encompassed into the NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Fellowship programme funded by HEE) and lectured on Keele University MSc courses.

In 2015, driven by a passion for promoting research and its benefits to healthcare, Owen was recruited – full time – by the NIHR Clinical Research Network in the West Midlands as their Lead for Laboratory Medicine. From this unique role and perspective, he gained a broad experience of the NHS research infrastructure and became an NIHR Training Advocate for the NIHR Academy.

At the School, he supports the running of the the Topol Programme for Digital Fellowships, and is working with the School, NHS Scientists and others exploring the role of Research and Innovation in the work of Clinical Scientists.

Last updated on 2nd April 2024

A photo of Owen Driskell