Healthcare Science Practitioner

Practitioners in the field of Healthcare Science apply technology in the delivery and reporting of quality assured tests, investigations and procedures.


Healthcare science practitioners will have the necessary expertise in applied scientific techniques within a specialism or related specialisms and will work in a range of healthcare settings. They are responsible for the analysis of a wide range of diagnostic tests, that contribute towards the medical assessment of an individual’s health status, and potentially identify the presence of disease.

Healthcare science practitioners are now trained through NHS approved and accredited BSc honours degrees through the Practitioner Training Programme (PTP) in various themes of healthcare science. Offered by a number of Universities across England, the programmes include academic learning and work based training. The 50+ week work based training element, supported by curricula, is spread over three years, involving broad scientific training in the first two years with an increasing focus on a chosen specialism during year three.

Click below for further information on Healthcare Science Practitioners and the Practitioner Training Programme.

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Last updated on 15th February 2024