Clinical Biochemistry

Biochemistry is a branch of science that uses biological and chemical methods to study the chemical processes that take place inside us, at a molecular level.


Healthcare science staff in this field help to diagnose and manage disease through the analysis of blood, urine and other body fluids. They advise clinicians and GPs on the appropriate use of tests, interpretation of results, and follow up investigations that may be required.

Typical activities include:

  • carrying out complex analyses on specimens of body fluids and tissues
  • assuring the quality of clinical biochemistry investigations
  • auditing the diagnostic and clinical use and performance of investigations
  • developing new and existing tests, often automated and computer assisted but sometimes requiring considerable manual expertise
    some patient contact

More about Clinical Biochemistry

Watch these two short videos from Scientist Training Programme trainees, Kade Flowers and Olivia Kaye. Both talking about what life is like as an STP trainee.


Last updated on 15th February 2024