
Healthcare science staff in this area use their skills to develop methods of measuring what is happening in the body, devise new ways of diagnosing and treating disease, and ensure that equipment is functioning safely and effectively.

They support, develop and apply physical techniques such as ultrasound, radioactivity, radiation, magnetic resonance, electromagnetism and optical imaging to explore or record the workings of the body for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment.

Medical physicists will contribute to maintaining and improving the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of healthcare services through patient-oriented activities requiring expert action, involvement or advice regarding the specification, selection, acceptance testing, commissioning, quality assurance/control and optimised clinical use of medical devices and regarding patient risks and protection from associated physical agents.

  • Clinical Engineering

    Clinical Engineering is a speciality within biomedical engineering responsible primarily for applying and implementing medical technology to optimise healthcare delivery.

  • Clinical Informatics

    Clinical Informatics (formerly known as Bioinformatics Health Informatics) is an interdisciplinary field that studies the vast quantities of data generated by medicine and health-focused research.

  • Clinical Scientific Computing

    Clinical Scientific Computing delivers computing solutions to advance patient care, ensure safety, improve service efficiency and enable data driven research.

  • Imaging (non-ionising)

    Non-ionising imaging includes ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical imaging.

  • Nuclear Medicine

    Nuclear Medicine uses small amounts of radioactive substances to look at what is happening to the body, not just the physical changes that have already taken place.

  • Pharmaceutical Science

    Pharmaceutical Science involves the manufacture and supply of radioactive substances used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

  • Radiation Safety and Diagnostic Radiology

    Radiation Safety and Diagnostic Radiology is the use of x-rays, radioactive materials, lasers and ultraviolet radiation.

  • Radiotherapy Physics

    Radiotherapy is the treatment of cancer with high energy radiation such as x-rays.

  • Reconstructive Science

    Reconstructive Science is concerned with the corrective treatment of patients with malformation, cancer or trauma – especially in the skull, jaw and face.