
A round up of the West Midlands Regional Trainee Network events

Published on
3rd August 2016
Filed under
Trainee Network Group

The West Midlands Regional Trainee Network recently ran a mock generic OSFA where trainees came together to design their own generic OSFA stations. These were then put into practice by a number of trainees with volunteer assessors from several departments. Feedback has been positive, with several trainees stating that the stations were similar to what was experienced at the mock OSFA run by the School. Feedback from each station has also been passed on to those who participated.

The network is also running a number of social events in the coming months, a perfect opportunity to meet other trainees in the West Midlands region. For more information on this please contact Emily Halford atĀ Further, a meeting to discuss interdisciplinary case studies is planned for late July for trainees to come together to discuss how cases require work from a number of different specialisms, and should provide evidence for some hard to sign off professional practice competencies. This meeting may also involve presentations from other speakers to provide evidence for further professional practice competencies.

The network is here for you so to get in touch about any of these events, or any other informationĀ

Last updated on 13th August 2019

Feature image for A round up of the West Midlands Regional Trainee Network events