Accredited training centres details now online
The School has recently completed a programme of accreditation for over 600 host training providers, across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- Published on
- 15th February 2019
- Filed under
- Accreditation, STP
These host training departments provide a vital component of the Scientist Training Programme.
Accreditation of a department involves a thorough review of their ability to provide high-quality training and we will look at all aspects including supervision, staff qualifications and resources, training history, ethos and much more. To achieve this review we work with a network of education quality experts and clinical advisors. As Accreditation is a requirement for any newly commissioned STP posts, it is imperative that a training department has gone through this process. Visit the Accreditation section to find out more about how the process works.
Details of the current accredited training centres are now available online and these details will be updated on a monthly basis as more centres complete the Accreditation process.
Want to know more? Want to apply for accreditation for your department as an STP training provider? Visit the accreditation section or contact the accreditation team on 0121 695 1997.