
Acting on your feedback: The STP Improvement Review

Over 1,000 trainees responded to the STP Improvement Review survey, commissioned in September 2017.

Published on
6th March 2019
Filed under

Since the Improvement Review report was released, we’ve been working towards putting the recommendations made into practice.

The STP Improvement Review recommended that “Rotations should be reviewed with a view to ensuring they have educational value, are deliverable, and flexible.”

Taking this feedback on board we’ve developed a number of proposals which will be implemented as we start Curriculum Review.

In response to this recommendation the School’s proposals are:

  • All curriculum content will be reviewed as part of Curriculum Content Review;
  • The most appropriate rotation modules for each specialty will be reviewed;
  • Ideally rotations will be 12 weeks, but a shorter time is acceptable if all requirements are covered;
  • The assessment strategy for rotations will focus on experiential learning and reflection.

Thank you everyone who submitted suggestions to the STP Improvement Review survey.

Last updated on 23rd July 2019

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