
Berne’s Blog – April 2020

Published on
6th April 2020
Written by
Berne Ferry
Filed under

Firstly, this blog post is basically a huge bunch of heartfelt ‘Thank yous’ to :

All of the frontline and backroom NHS staff; to doctors, porters, nurses, paramedics, physician associates, AHPs, hospital chaplains, catering staff, volunteers, pharmacists, managers and to all their families.

But especially this is a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of our fantastic Healthcare Scientists (and your families) who, despite all of you confronting challenging situations both in work and personally, continue to work tirelessly to help patients at this time.

It is you in particular that I want to thank.

Apprentices in Healthcare Science

Thank you to the apprentices themselves for continuing to train and support departments and to your trainers and supervisors in your Trusts for continuing to train and support you and for your great work. Look on our frequently updated webpage for developing information about the impact of the pandemic on apprenticeships.

PTP students

To all of you, well done for carrying on during these times. I know that many, if not most of you, are working well outside your normal areas and that many are volunteering where you can. I also know that this is a worrying time for you so thank you for continuing to train as best you can. We will keep updating information for you. To those of you who will be joining the HCPC Biomedical Science Temporary Register and PSA accredited registers, congratulations and good luck. Look out for information on that from the NSHCS and from the Academy . Thank you too to all of the PTP providers. Our Training Programme Director Graham Wilson is keeping in touch with you all and please let us know if you need us to help in any way. We will publish continue to publish key information for PTP providers.

STP trainees

I know that many of you are trying to work on the frontline and to continue to train at this time and that many of you are also worried and frustrated about how your programme will be affected. I want to reassure you that the NSHCS will do its utmost to keep you informed about all aspects of the programme as the situation unfolds. Our great digital team and our STP Programme Director Jane Lynch are keeping the STP part of our COVID webpage as up to date as possible for you. I would like to thank all of you for your hard work and I hope that you are able to stay well during this difficult time.

For many of you third year STPs who will be joining the HCPC Temporary website, congratulations and it is brilliant that you will be helping the NHS as a Clinical Scientist. The process to get onto the register and updated information can be found here.

I also want to reassure you as much as I can regarding the OSFAs which as you know have had to be cancelled. This information also applies to our ASP trainees. We appreciate that you will be experiencing the same concerns. The School is working on an alternative to the OSFA which will take into account the circumstances that all final year STPs find themselves in and we hope to let you know the details as soon as we have them finalised and approved by the Academy and HCPC and HEE. Keep looking our website here for updates.

Huge praise too to all of you STP training officers and supervisors, mentors and everyone else in Trusts who not only are supporting STP trainees but are working flat out in your normal roles. We are trying to provide updated information for you that may help you in your training role here. Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of help.

HSST trainees

I can only imagine how busy you guys are. We are aware that nearly all of you are and will be undertaking positions of great responsibility during this time. Huge respect to you all, especially to those of you working in critical care at the very front line and equally to all you involved in the tricky business of testing. The School is working closely with MAHSE and HEE to ensure that any alterations to your programme that arise as a result of the current crisis are understood and provided for. Look here for ongoing information from us. Again, thanks to all of you HSST supervisors during this time. Not only the NHS but the NSHCS salutes your work and expertise.

Other news about School events and around STP, HSST and ASP recruitment for 2020, and on how the HCS workforce is responding brilliantly to the coronavirus pandemic and on Project Nightingale can be found here.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to my colleagues at the NSHCS and in the wider HEE for their tremendous hard work and commitment. I can tell you that everyone I know is working flat out to ensure that your training will continue as much as is possible in these times and the NSHCS will be with you the whole way through this difficult time.

Thank you everyone. It’s an honor for us at the school to be part of this superb workforce and our wonderful NHS.


Last updated on 3rd July 2024

Feature image for Berne’s Blog – April 2020