
New Head of School at the National School of Healthcare Science announced

Published on
22nd May 2023
Filed under
Berne, Lisa Ayers, NSHCS

Professor Berne Ferry is leaving NHS England in the next few weeks. She leaves a terrific legacy and will be hugely missed by colleagues across the whole UK.

Following recent highly competitive interviews for Berne’s interim replacement, we are absolutely delighted to announce that Dr Lisa Ayers has been appointed as Interim Head of National School of Healthcare Science. Lisa will be known to many as the Regional Dean for the South-East region and Training Programme Director for the Higher Specialist Scientist Training Programme.

Lisa trained as a Clinical Scientist in Clinical Immunology and worked in the Oxford Immunology Laboratory for 14 years. During this time, she undertook a part-time PhD funded by the NIHR, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship in inflammatory markers in cardiovascular disease. She obtained her Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists through examination and she has been a CSO WISE Fellow and co-chair of the Immunology Professional Committee.


Professor Berne Ferry said: “I have no doubt Lisa will do an excellent job working with a wonderful, committed team at the National School.”


Dr Lisa Ayers said: “I have always been interested in training and education of Healthcare Scientists and I am so excited to be taking on this role. I want to start by acknowledging the invaluable support and collaboration of our stakeholders, as it is your unwavering commitment to the education and training of the healthcare science workforce that has contributed to our collective success.”

Last updated on 22nd May 2023

Feature image for New Head of School at the National School of Healthcare Science announced