
Institute for Apprenticeships asking for feedback on Quality Statement

Survey closes on Wednesday 18th October 2017

Published on
3rd October 2017
Filed under

The Institute for Apprenticeships (IFA) has developed a Quality Statement, which clearly defines and identifies what an apprenticeship is and what a high quality apprenticeship looks like. The IFA feel that this statement is fundamental to their work and want to hear stakeholder views on the draft before it is finalised. They have produced a short survey and are asking for feedback before the survey closes on Wednesday 18th October 2017. They are also asking for stakeholders to alert their networks to the draft Statement and survey, so they can receive as much feedback as possible.

The IFA intend to use the Quality Statement as the core reference point for apprenticeships with employers, colleges, universities and providers using the Quality Statement when considering the design and quality of apprenticeships. The Statement will also be used as the basis for a Quality Strategy to be developed with employers, IFA apprentice’s panels and stakeholders.

Last updated on 4th September 2019

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