
New STP trainee network for mature trainees, parents and carers is launched

Following the STP 2021 Induction a new network was formed to provide support for mature trainees, parents and carers.

Published on
23rd September 2021
Filed under

The Mature Trainees, Parents and Carers (MTPC) Network has been set up to provide a safe space for Scientist Programme Trainees who are mature, parents or who have caring responsibilities. The network’s primary goal is to offer a support network to other trainees who may feel the strain of extra responsibilities whilst studying and working, whether it be difficulty balancing parenting whilst participating in a busy training programme or because of everyday stresses, which unfortunately often come regularly with being older. Members may also have reservations around returning to academic or work-based training after careers in other disciplines.

The network has been set up after a gap was identified in trainee networks specifically for mature trainees, parents and carers and we hope to engage with current and future cohorts of trainees. By focussing on networking and social interaction, we hope that trainees can establish friendships and support groups within the network which provides a “You are not alone” feel.

A mature student is classed as anyone studying a postgraduate degree over the age of 25, however, we realise that parents and carers exist in all age groups and we therefore welcome anyone who would like to join the network.

The network will be guided by members to ensure it is providing content and support which is useful and utilised.

If you would like to join the network please complete this sign up form. You can also email the network at or contact them via Twitter @MTPC_Network.

Last updated on 23rd September 2021

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