
PTP trainee wins patient safety award

Published on
25th April 2016
Filed under

PTP trainee Theo Town recently received the ‘Good Catch for Patient Safety Award’ from The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive Mr Chris Harrop. The award was recently introduced to reward staff who spot potential patient harm before it happens and who take swift action to avoid actual harm occurring. The award forms part of the Trust’s strategy and commitment to providing quality care.

Theo is currently in year 3 of the Neurophysiology Healthcare Science Practitioner Training Programme. The programme combines academic learning (BSc Hons Healthcare Science Neurophysiology delivered by Manchester Metropolitan University) with work based learning which, in this instance, was delivered by the Neurophysiology Service at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.

As well as winning the ‘Good Catch for Patient Safety Award ‘ a special commendation was made to Theo by the Neurophysiology Service Manager, Caroline Finnegan, for the high quality care he provides which is evidenced through the department’s patient satisfaction survey.

Well done and congratulations Theo!

Last updated on 5th September 2019

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