STP Research Day 2019 – Presentation recordings available
On Thursday 13 June 2019, MAHSE held the 6th annual STP Research Day at etc.Venues, in Manchester. The event was the biggest to date, attended by over 210 trainees and delegates.
- Published on
- 2nd August 2019
- Written by
- This article and blog post was supplied by MAHSE
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The main purpose of the event is to give the final year trainees an opportunity to showcase and celebrate their contribution to research within healthcare science and, this year, the programme included poster presentations from 20 students and talks from a further 9 students, all from a range of disciplines.
First prize for the student presentations went to Genomics trainee, Sarah Graham, who conducted research into a genetic test to improve the treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, and the first prize for the posters went to Cardiac Science trainee, Jennifer Pilling, showing how she investigated the correlation between patients with Diastolic Dysfunction and Diabetes Mellitus.