Whole genome sequencing online course opens on 23 January 2017
- Published on
- 12th January 2017
- Filed under
- Industry, Learning and Development
The online course ‘Whole Genome Sequencing: Decoding the language of life and health’ is due to start on 23 January 2017. The course, which has been developed by the Genomics Education Programme, explores the ins and outs of whole genome sequencing and features interviews with leading scientists and medics working at the forefront of this new technology. It gives its learners an insight into how whole genome sequencing works as well as what its uses are within healthcare, which can be anything from personalised treatment of cancer to tackling Ebola.
With a recap on the fundamentals of genetics, the course is an ideal starting point for those who wish to learn more about genomics or who may wish to complete one of the genomics CPPD modules available from the Genomics Education Programme.