Frequently Asked Questions

Which Universities will deliver the academic part of these programmes?

Graduate Diploma in Respiratory Science – Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and the University of West England (UWE) are the academic providers for this course.

Graduate Diploma in Sleep Medicine – the University of West England (UWE) is the academic provider for this course.

Can the trainee be on site if the Clinical Supervisor is absent?

Yes, there will be times when the Clinical Supervisor is absent, for example on annual leave. This should be planned with appropriate supervision by another appropriate staff member and activities put in place for the trainee in these instances. Arrangements must be in place for the management of unplanned practice/clinical supervisor absences, for example sickness, including who has responsibility for the supervision of the trainee. Unexpected, prolonged absences would need to be escalated to the education provider and NHS England.

Can trainees spend their time across several sites?

Yes. There are several benefits to exposing the trainee to several sites and experiences, ensuring appropriate supervision requirements are in place.

Can the trainee support service delivery?

Yes, however, as the trainees are not yet qualified and still in training, they must always be supervised. The degree of autonomy with which they can operate will be determined by the professional supervising them at that time, based on their assessment of the trainee’s knowledge and skills.

Trainees will be able to contribute to quality improvement activities. However, the bulk of their time should be spent on activities relating to achieving the learning outcomes of the qualification and becoming competent in the work based techniques.

Trainees should be undertaking activities (with the appropriate supervision) that support them in developing the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to function as an autonomous staff member on successful completion of the programme.

Should trainees spend most of their time shadowing others?

No, this programme should provide trainees with significant hands-on practical experience in order to prepare them for practice. It is therefore expected that they be given the opportunity to learn by undertaking the range of tasks expected of a trained and qualified practitioner.

What activities is the trainee expected to be involved in?

Trainees will undertake a range of activities dependent on the learning environment in which  they work, their knowledge and skills, and their competence and confidence. Activities should allow them to meet the requirements of the programme and link to the agreed learning outcomes as agreed in the learning plan.