
HSST Monthly Memo (January 2023)

The HSST Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for HSST trainees and supervisors.

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HSST Monthly Memo 2023
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Message from your HSST Training Programme Directors

Dr Lisa Ayers and Dr Owen Driskell

This month’s message is from Dr Lisa Ayers.

Happy New Year. Welcome to the January HSST Monthly Memo. We hope you have managed to have a nice time over the festive period.

The new year can be a chance for resolutions, new opportunities and starting new projects, which can be great for HSST progress. It can also be a difficult time for many of us with the pressures on personal lives and the increasing pressure on NHS services. This memo is scheduled to arrive just after ‘Blue Monday’, considered to be the most depressing day of the year. At this time, it is even more important to be aware of the sources of support available to you, including your employer, the NSHCS and your University. A list of support for trainees is available on the NSHCS website.

If you have questions or concerns about the programme it is always better to raise them early so that support can be put in place or changes made. As we look forward into 2023 I hope this year is full of exciting opportunities and successes for you and your team, and if any challenges do arise, please know you always have someone to talk through them.


Information for trainees

IAPS 2023

The dates for IAPS 2023 are available on the website. For those thinking they are going to sit their IAPS in May 2023 then the deadline for showcase submission is 8th February 2023.

Last July, Owen Driskell (Deputy Training Programme Director HSST) talked with HSST trainees about how to construct the showcase that is part of the Independent Assessment of Professional Skills (IAPS).

Click here to watch our webinar on how to prepare an IAPS Showcase.

Protecting sensitive information in OneFile

We have published some new guidance about how trainees should protect and exclude patient identifiable information in their submissions on OneFile. This includes guidance about anonymisation, patient consent and fully removing and redacting (rather than just hiding) sensitive information from files uploaded.

Click here to read the guidance about protecting sensitive information in OneFile.

STP assessor and HSST examiner recruitment – response and opportunities

We are delighted at the response to our recent assessor recruitment drive during the last three months of 2022. Thanks to a recruitment campaign conducted by the School’s Digital team and to work led by Lisa Quince, our graduate trainee, we received 86 enquiries from colleagues interested in becoming an STP assessor and 20 enquiries about becoming an HSST Examiner.

If you are interested in becoming an STP assessor or HSST examiner then there is still time to register. Becoming an STP asessor represents a great way for HSST trainees to meet standards and workplace supervisors to support their candidates through first hand experience in the IAPS by becoming an IAPS examiner.

Click here to express your interest in becoming an STP assessor or an HSST examiner.


Missed a previous edition of the HSST Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for HSST trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the HSST Monthly Memo.

Last updated on 12th February 2024

This publication is part of HSST Monthly Memo (2023)