
STP Monthly Memo (May 2021)

Our monthly memo for STP trainees and training officers features relevant news, helpful tips, opportunities to promote healthcare science and FAQs.

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Message from your STP Training Programme Directors, Jane Lynch and Namir Al Hasso

Welcome to the May edition of the STP memo. We hope you are all in good health and that training is progressing well according to your training plans. Please keep us informed if disruption continues to happen. The picture is very different between different specialisms and different Trusts and we are not always aware when you are experiencing difficulties. If we don’t know, we can’t help.

The School has recently instigated some ‘drop-in support sessions’ for trainees and training officers. These consist of a brief presentation then a public Q and A session. There will also be an opportunity for individual, confidential one-to-one meetings with TPDs or other School colleagues, these last up to 15 minutes each and are bookable on the day. In order to ensure we have the right people there to answer questions we have themed these sessions. More information is included in the memo and on our website.

The submission date for the Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence (IACC) critical reflective narrative is next month. We have planned another drop-in session and two webinars to help provide further support for our final year trainees and training officers. More information is included in the memo.

The recent mid-term review of progression has given us more information regarding progression for our current second years, including important insight into the challenges of completing the rotational modules. As expected, the picture is very variable and we are using this information to ensure we are again able to offer a fair, achievable and safe completion process in 2022. As soon as this plan is finalised, we will let you know. In the meantime, if we can help at all, please contact us:

Best wishes

Jane and Namir and


Upcoming drop-in sessions for trainees and training officers

We offer regular drop-in sessions which provide a means through which trainees and training officers can speak to members of the School directly to offer their expertise and guidance.  The drop-in sessions are offered on a regular basis and are themed to maintain focus for particular areas of support or guidance.

The discussions are confidential and usually offered on a 15 minute basis per person. Any issues not resolved or requiring follow up will be logged and further time/meetings arranged to address/resolve where possible.

Click here to find out more about our drop-in sessions

Below are the dates for our upcoming drop-in sessions:

  • 26th May – Training support, scientific support
  • 18th June – Assessment support: IACC 2021/ASP professional discussions 2021
  • 30th June – Training support, scientific support

Click here to find our drop-in sessions timetable and event joining links


IACC 2021 final assessment

We have published full details on the IACC 2021 assignment and submission. On our website you can find:

  • Information about the STP final assessment
  • Rationale for the STP final assessment
  • Key dates for the IACC
  • Information on the format of the IACC
  • Guidance on how to structure the critical reflective narrative
  • IACC MS Word template
  • Marking Criteria
  • Appeals, policies and regulations for the IACC
  • Information on how your IACC will be assessed
  • Guidance to understand your IACC result

Click here to view more information on the Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence


IACC guidance webinar for trainees

We are holding two webinars to provide guidance for trainees taking the Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence Final Assessment 2021. The webinars will be presented by Carol Higgison, Head of Assessment and Stephen Tipping, Deputy Head of Assessment. The webinars will provide further information about the STP final assessment covering:

  • the written critical reflective narrative
  • use of evidence
  • the panel interview

The hour-long webinars will consist of a short presentation, which will be identical during both sessions, and the opportunity to ask questions.

We are holding two sessions this week.

Click here to join the Thursday 20th webinar (expired link)

Click here to join the Friday 21st webinar (Expired link)

If you are unable to make either session the recording will be available on our website shortly afterwards.


Completion 2021 flowchart

To make the completion process clear for third-year STP trainees and their training officers we have recently published a flowchart showing routes to completion on OneFile. The flowchart can be viewed or downloaded from our website.

Click here to find the flowchart showing routes to completion for STP trainees (2021) (expired link)


Update on the elective module

The aim of the elective period is to facilitate a broader experience of healthcare and/or the practice of Healthcare Science in a cultural and/or clinical setting that is different from the usual training environment. We want to emphasise the great value of planning and completing the elective module for all STP trainees. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging for trainees to plan and complete the experience during the pandemic.

For trainees completing the programme in 2021 and 2022: Whilst the School recognises the elective is beneficial to the training journey, it will NOT be mandatory to complete all elements in order to exit the programme in 2021 and 2022. For current second years, although you may opt not to take the full length of elective specified in the programme, you should as a minimum be able to show evidence of your discussions with your training officer about what would be reasonable and feasible in current circumstances. You should do what you can to address the elective-related competencies and ensure that there is evidence of your reflection on OneFile.

For trainees completing the programme in 2023: For current year one trainees, who would not normally be planning the elective until the mid-to-late point of their second year, we do not expect elective options to be so restricted in the coming years and so would expect the requirement to complete an elective to be achievable. At present, we would encourage trainees to plan and organise their elective experience as it may be mandatory to complete the programme in 2023. However, the School will continue to monitor the pandemic situation, and we will update our 2023 completion criteria as required if the pandemic situation changes.

Further information on the elective including advice on duration and timing can be found in our statement from 7th December on our website.

Click here to find further information on the elective


Transfer of training policy

We recognise that in some circumstances the ability for a trainee to remain with the original employer or within the same part of the country may be affected by situations outside of their control or as a result of an employment opportunity within the specialism for which they are training. We have a transfer of training policy which trainees and departments can refer to in the event that:

  • a trainee is offered an employment opportunity, usually towards the end of the training, known as early employment
  • exceptional extenuating circumstances where there are significant and unforeseen changes in their personal circumstances or training environment since their commencement to train

Under these circumstances and in line with the criteria outlined in the transfer policy a trainee may make an application to transfer their training.

It is important that in transferring training that the process be followed and permission sought from the School for the following reasons:

  • to safeguard the quality of training to ensure that the new provider is willing and able to support the training to the standards required of the programme via the School’s Accreditation team
  • to ensure that contact information including that of the trainee and the training officer can be updated so that trainees and departments receive the latest information about the programme
  • to manage the transfer of funding should a trainee move out of their original commissioning region
  • to ensure sufficient supervision and planning is in place to support the trainee to complete the programme successfully
  • to ensure that transfers of training are managed consistently and equitably across programmes

Trainees considering transfer should allow for at least 3 months before intending to move to seek approval from the School. Failure to follow this process may put continuation on programme at risk.

Any questions in relation to transfer of training should be forwarded to

Click here to find the transfer of training policy


Do you have any advice to share?

We are looking to develop and improve awareness of the support available to trainees during their programmes and to offer guidance to training officers so they know where to turn to to offer or seek the appropriate support where it is needed.

We would like to create a number of podcasts with current and former trainees and training officers about their experiences, what worked well, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them. The podcasts will be part of the ongoing development of resources available to trainees and trainers and we feel that your voice will be most powerful in guiding others on the programme in terms of when and how to seek support.

The podcasts will be completely anonymous and managed via informal interview/chat with a member of the School and conducted remotely. We will ensure that the discussion does not make any personal circumstances identifiable but will explore more broadly the key issues experienced and how they were or could be resolved. We will work with you to agree the final product and then will make the podcast available online. We may also use them as an educational resource during our train the trainer and induction programmes to further improve awareness of how to support trainees.

The experiences could be broad ranging from:

  • training planning
  • training environment
  • health and well being and pastoral support
  • managing statutory leave and training e.g., maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave
  • professional relationships
  • equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • seeking changes to training e.g., extensions, deferrals, step off, career breaks, transfer, early employment
  • part-time training

If you think you have an experience that you would like to share and could benefit other trainees or trainers then please do get in touch by emailing us at, we would love to hear from you.


Train the Trainer events

We are running more virtual STP Train the Trainer events in June. If you are interested in attending these events, please email the team on with your specialty area.

  • Webinar 1: Wednesday 2nd June 2021: Introduction to STP Train the Trainer at 11:30am to 1pm.
  • Webinar 2: Wednesday 9th June 2021: Assessing Work-place Evidence at 11:30am to 1:30pm.
  • Webinar 3: Wednesday 16th June : Training Support at 11:30am to 1pm.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Click here to find out more about the STP Train the Trainer events


Online learning resources

We’ve gathered together some online resources to help support your training. Take a look at what’s available for your area.

Click here to view our collection of online learning resources


Competency evidence resources

We’ve created a collection of good competency resources. Take a look at the guidance on producing good evidence and examples.

Click here to view our competency evidence resources


Missed a previous edition of the STP Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for STP trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the STP Monthly Memo

Last updated on 5th December 2022

This publication is part of STP Monthly Memos (2021)