
STP Monthly Memo (May 2024)

The STP Monthly Memo includes the latest programme updates, events and key resources for STP trainees and training officers.

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Information for all trainees

NSHCS training standards and expectations – trainee responsibilities

Taking on the trainer role is a significant responsibility and commitment. To support your trainer and departmental colleagues to navigate these responsibilities we have developed and published a set of standards which clearly articulate what is expected of them.

View the NSHCS training standards.

To accompany the standards that we have developed for trainers we have identified the associated responsibilities of trainees in relation to each of the training standards as you are an active participant in the learning journey.

The trainer standards and trainee responsibilities do not add new expectations or responsibilities to the trainer or trainee. Instead, they are designed to articulate existing expectations more concisely and to enable a structure for additional training and guidance resources that the School is developing.

Read the NSHCS training standards trainee responsibilities

New quick guides for trainees on the NHS Learning Hub

To support and guide trainees we have developed a new trainee section in our NHS Learning Hub catalogue. Within this section we have developed ‘quick guides’ for trainees on specific topics mapped against the NSHCS training standards. The currently available guides are identified below. Further guides are in development.

Standard 1. Plan, design and assess learning and training opportunities

  • Planning for assessment
  • Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities
  • Planning for learning

Standard 2. Monitor your trainee’s progress and provide them with constructive feedback

  • Using feedback effectively to improve practice

Standard 3. Support your trainee in taking responsibility for their own learning

  • Action planning and target setting
  • Managing imposter feelings
  • Developing as an independent learner

Standard 4. Embed equality, diversity and inclusion into training

  • Conscious inclusion

To access the NHS Learning Hub you will need to have an account with the service.

Find out how to access trainee resources on the NHS Learning Hub

New guide for trainees to generating evidence for training activities

One of the most frequent requests that we receive at the School is for more guidance about how trainees can and should develop their evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities / competencies. In response to this important need, we have published a new quick guide for trainees on the NHS Learning Hub, entitled ‘Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities’.

This guide focuses on what makes good evidence for training activities. The guide addresses how different types of evidence can be generated in the course of work-based training and it offers guidance about the different types of evidence that can be generated for the different types of training activity.

To access the NHS Learning Hub you will need to have an account with the service. Further details on how to do this can be found within the trainee responsibilities page on the School website.

View the module ‘Developing evidence to demonstrate achievement of training activities’ on the trainee pages of the Learning Hub

Volunteer to contribute to STP induction 2024

We are looking for trainee volunteers to represent the STP during our online induction event in September. The event will take place on Microsoft Teams over two half days on September 10 and 11.

We are looking for volunteers for the following roles:

Panel member

We are hosting a session with a panel of trainees and former trainees. We are looking for panel members to provide advice to new trainees and answer questions from the audience.

Trainee network representative

We are looking for trainees to represent each network.  As a trainee network representative you will present the role of the regional networks and be available to answer questions about your trainee network and how new trainees can get involved.

University trainee representative

We are looking for a trainee to represent each university at the networking section. As a university trainee representative you will be available to answer questions about studying at the university and share any advice or tips for the new trainees that will be attending this year.

This is a fantastic opportunity for trainees to develop their public speaking skills and support the new intake starting in September.

If you would like to volunteer for a role please email us at with the role title you’d like to volunteer for and why you are well suited to the role.

Update on STP final assessment 2025

We are continuing to develop the new 2025 STP final assessment for trainees enrolled on our new STP curriculum – this includes all trainees who began their training from the 2022 cohort, with the exception of trainees in Microbiology who began the new curriculum in 2023.

Trainees on the ‘old’ curriculum will continue to attempt the IACC for both first attempts and resits. Dates for 2025 STP final assessments are in planning and are likely to be in June/July 2025. The 2025 STP final assessment may not be scheduled in the same weeks as the IACC during the summer of 2025. We aim to provide further information for trainees and Training Officers by September 2024.

New training course: Multiple breath nitrogen washout in adults and children

The Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology are running a blended course on multiple breath washout measurement, with online learning available prior to a practical day on Friday 20 September 2024.

The course is aimed at respiratory physiologists, physiotherapists, respiratory nurses, adult and paediatric respiratory specialists, trainees, and allied health professionals wanting to perform Multiple Breath Nitrogen Washout in adults and/or children.

Find out more about the multiple breath washout measurement course


Information for first and second year trainees

Invitations to work-based assessment standards discovery sessions

We will shortly be inviting selected trainees and training officers to join discovery sessions in June and July on the application of the NSHCS work-based assessment standards.

The standards were launched in September 2023 and we are now following up with work to understand and check how they are being applied. We are sampling approximately 10% of departments delivering the STP and we will conduct structured discovery sessions with trainees and separate sessions with training officers. The aim of the sessions is to understand what the experience is of the application of the standards, the extent to which they are valuable and the extent to which they are being followed.

The work-based assessment standards are a new development and so we want to take this ‘discovery approach’ to understanding how the standards are being used. This work will help us to develop a future QA strategy based on evidence. We will publish what learn from these discovery sessions and update any guidance about the use of the standards that we find is necessary

View the NSHCS work-based assessment standards


Information for third year trainees

Completion 2024 advisory drop-in sessions

We are setting up a number of advisory online drop-in sessions about 2024 completion requirements for trainees and trainers. If you have any queries about the completion process, timelines and requirements for 2024, please feel free to drop in.

Full details about 2024 completion can be found the School website.

If a drop-in session doesn’t suit and you still have questions please do contact us at for further advice and guidance.

The first completion drop-in session will take place on Thursday 13 June from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

Find out more about how to join the 13 June drop-in


Information for training officers

Sign up for our next Sharing Good Practice webinar: Approaches to the delivery of the STP

The next webinar in our Sharing Good Practice series will be on approaches to the delivery of the STP and will take place on Wednesday 22 May at 10am.

Find out more and sign up for the ‘Approaches to the delivery of the STP’ webinar (expired link)

View a recording of our recent Sharing Good Practice webinar on AI in training and clinical practice

The first webinar in our Sharing Good Practice series, on AI in training and clinical practice, took place on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

View a recording of the AI in training and clinical practice webinar

Update on STP final assessment 2025

We are continuing to develop the new 2025 STP final assessment for trainees enrolled on our new STP curriculum – this includes all trainees who began their training from the 2022 cohort, with the exception of trainees in Microbiology who began the new curriculum in 2023.

Trainees on the ‘old’ curriculum will continue to attempt the IACC for both first attempts and resits. Dates for 2025 STP final assessments are in planning and are likely to be in June/July 2025.  The 2025 STP final assessment may not be scheduled in the same weeks as the IACC during the summer of 2025.  We aim to provide further information for trainees and Training Officers by September 2024.

Completion 2024 advisory drop-in sessions

We are setting up a number of advisory online drop-in sessions about 2024 completion requirements for trainees and trainers. If you have any queries about the completion process, timelines and requirements for 2024, please feel free to drop in.

Full details about 2024 completion can be found the School website.

If a drop-in session doesn’t suit and you still have questions please do contact us at for further advice and guidance.

The first completion drop-in session will take place on Thursday 13 June from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

Find out more about how to join the 13 June drop-in

Invitations to work-based assessment standards discovery sessions

We will shortly be inviting selected trainees and training officers to join discovery sessions in June and July on the application of the NSHCS work-based assessment standards.

The standards were launched in September 2023 and we are now following up with work to understand and check how they are being applied. We are sampling approximately 10% of departments delivering the STP and we will conduct structured discovery sessions with trainees and separate sessions with training officers. The aim of the sessions is to understand what the experience is of the application of the standards, the extent to which they are valuable and the extent to which they are being followed.

The work-based assessment standards are a new development and so we want to take this ‘discovery approach’ to understanding how the standards are being used. This work will help us to develop a future QA strategy based on evidence. We will publish what we learn from these discovery sessions and update any guidance about the use of the standards that we find is necessary.

View the NSHCS work-based assessment standards

Webinar to launch the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in Interoperative Neuromonitoring

We are very pleased to announce that the new pathway for the Neurophysiology STP in Interoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) will be launched with a webinar on Friday 14 June at 12:30pm.

This curriculum provides a specialist route in Interoperative Neuromonitoring through the Neurophysiology STP. At the webinar Lead Editor Rachel Hutchings will discuss the benefits of the new curricula and STP Training Programme Director EMma Bowers will talk through the steps to hosting a trainee on this pathway in your department.

Find out how to join the launch webinar

Expressions of interest now open for new Respiratory Science and Sleep Medicine training programmes

Expressions of Interest are now open for employers to request places on the 2024 intake of both the PG Cert in Sleep Medicine and the Graduate Diploma in Respiratory Science programmes.

Find out more about funding, expressions of interest and timelines

New training course: Multiple breath nitrogen washout in adults and children

The Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology are running a blended course on multiple breath washout measurement, with online learning available prior to a practical day on Friday 20 September 2024.

The course is aimed at respiratory physiologists, physiotherapists, respiratory nurses, adult and paediatric respiratory specialists, trainees, and allied health professionals wanting to perform Multiple Breath Nitrogen Washout in adults and/or children.

Find out more about the multiple breath washout measurement course


Missed a previous edition of the STP Monthly Memo?

We’ve published copies of the Monthly Memo for STP trainees and training officers on our website.

Click here to view previous editions of the STP Monthly Memo.

Last updated on 30th May 2024

This publication is part of STP Monthly Memo (2024)