Practical arrangements for your Echocardiography trainee

Here is a reminder about some of the more practical arrangements you'll need to make.


Learn how to use the e-portfolio system OneFile and explain it to others

Staff involved in training in any capacity should be familiar with the functionality of the OneFile e-portfolio system. Trainees and training officers will be given training and access to the system early on in their training by the School, usually after the ETP Induction has been held.

As soon as trainees and training officers receive their account details, we would very strongly recommend logging in to OneFile and editing your profile so that you sign up to receive email notifications from the system. Notifications are not sent out until you elect to receive them!

Training officers/co-ordinators are also strongly advised to familiarise themselves with how the OneFile service works by viewing this range of short ‘How to’ videos about the various features of OneFile.


Ensure the training officer has completed the School’s ETP training for trainers

The School provides training for trainers sessions which will focus closely on the requirements of the ETP, the types of assessment required, and the standards of evidence expected. It is important for the sake of quality and consistency of training standards that all training officers have the necessary preparation and familiarisation with OneFile, the assessment methods and the type of competency evidence expected. Best practice would be to book on a training session with the School as soon as you have confirmation that you have a trainee and once the dates are confirmed.


Arrange IT access and a workstation for your trainee

Arrange for all necessary ICT access. The trainee will need appropriate IT access in order to complete their training and academic studies.

Check that services are available at the trainee’s workstation Allocate a workspace for the trainee and ensure they are accommodated with others and not isolated. IT or other workstation equipment should be ordered well in advance. The work area should be prepared before the trainee’s arrival.


Establish whether you need to arrange any financial support

Think about funding for your trainee if you send them to other locations for parts of the training or any other financial need arises either for the trainee or for any training staff. A discussion with your finance manager should take place before the trainee starts to ensure appropriate funds are identified and allocated. Ensure that the trainee is familiar with the process to apply for funding to attend conferences and so forth. A training allowance of £2,000 per annum per trainee is provided to each Trust to cover training expenses (this might include travel, accommodation and external training courses e.g. ECG courses, Exam preparation courses) and BSE registration and exam fees.


If possible, prepare a standard agreement with other training sites

Training officers/co-ordinators still have responsibility for ensuring trainees receive an acceptable quality of training if this is delivered at another site. Best practice would be to have a simple written understanding between the departments about the purpose, standards and expectations. This may be covered in your NHS Education Contract, unless the other training site is in a different local NHS area (or country equivalent). You should ensure there are robust governance arrangements for any trainee working outside the employing organisation.  Download a copy of our example statement of agreement.


Notify the trainee of the rules of the department

Trainees are departmental employees and at least a month before they start must be notified of start and finish times, dress codes, shift patterns, notice periods for time off etc. It may be a good idea to send a copy to the Higher Education Institute (HEI) so that academic tutors are aware of the constraints under which the trainees are working. If the trainee requires a uniform, inform them well in advance, and arrange for fittings in good time. The uniform should be waiting for them when they start. Trainees should also be provided with badges which identify their role and status.