Details about healthcare science training programmes and fellowships.
Scientist Training Programme
The Scientist Training Programme (STP) is a three-year programme of work-based learning, supported by a University accredited master's degree.
Higher Specialist Scientist Training programme
The Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST) programme is a five-year funded training programme supported by a Doctoral level academic award.
Echocardiography Training Programme
The Echocardiography Training Programme (ETP), in collaboration with the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE), was developed to rapidly respond to the urgent workforce needs for Accredited Echocardiographers.
Practitioner Training Programme
The Practitioner Training Programme (PTP) is a three-year BSc Honours undergraduate training scheme that includes work-based and academic learning.
Clinical Data Science Programme
The Clinical Data Science Programme aims to empower healthcare professionals to apply data science in practice and translate data into patient benefit.
Respiratory and Sleep Training Programmes
The Graduate Diploma in Respiratory Science and the Postgraduate Certificate in Sleep Medicine are two programmes introduced to expand the workforce in these areas.
We act as a focus for the Healthcare Science Apprenticeship Programme by coordinating communications and information.
Healthcare Science Innovation Fellowships
Focusing on reducing healthcare inequalities through the development and use of innovative technologies for diagnosis, monitoring or management of long-term conditions, helping people to live their lives well, for longer.