How to book your IAPS event


Before booking your IAPS

In order to sit the IAPS you must have completed OneFile to 100%. Once 100% complete you can then use OneFile to produce a showcase of your work which must be signed off by your workplace supervisor. When you have a ‘signed off showcase’ you are in a position to apply to sit the IAPS.

The showcase that is used as part of the IAPS application, must contain separate evidence that demonstrates your practice at consultant clinical scientist (CCS) level for each of the 5 GSP domains which form the domains of the Higher Specialist Scientist Standards of Proficiency (HSS SoPs). All evidence submitted as part of the showcase must be signed off before you submit your IAPS application.

To recap, to apply for an IAPS event you must have submitted and had signed off evidence for all the HSS SoPs across all five domains and completed an IAPS showcase by the time of an IAPS application. Please plan your intended IAPS sitting accordingly.


When to book your IAPS

Your application for the IAPS must be submitted 3 months prior to the period you have selected to take your IAPS. The IAPS is delivered each year in May and November. The number of days the IAPS will run is dependent on the expected number of trainees applying. Click this link to access the IAPS deadline dates.


How to book your IAPS

The IAPS application is available as a form on OneFile. Once you have selected the period, the exact date of your IAPS event will be emailed to you together with attendance details. When selecting the period in which you wish to sit your IAPS, please ensure you have considered other events you may need to attend e.g. your research project viva.

Once you have booked your IAPS event, any changes must be submitted via the IAPS exceptional arrangements policy. The School acknowledges that unforeseen events may occur near the time of the IAPS requiring a deferment. These are considered under the IAPS mitigating circumstances policy.