The academic part of the HSST

About the Doctor of Clinical Science (DClinSci) and the universities that deliver the academic component of the HSST.


About the Doctor of Clinical Science

The DClinSci is a Research Degree meeting QAA Level 8 criteria and FQ-EHEA for doctoral degrees. It includes an emphasis on the candidate acquiring skills relevant to professional practice, in addition to producing original research. It also allows individuals to situate professional knowledge developed over time in a theoretical academic framework and includes a research project, which is embedded within the candidate’s profession.

This Doctoral level academic programme will formalise and facilitate the development of healthcare scientists through HSST as they:

  • Create and interpret new knowledge, through original research scholarship requiring advanced academic enquiry.
  • Systematically acquire and apply a substantial body of scientific and clinical knowledge at the forefront of their specialism and embrace the future scientific and technological advances within the field.
  • Systematically acquire, develop and apply the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment as a consultant clinical scientist or equivalent, requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and taking largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations.

The 5 year programme will equate to 540 credits split across the 3 sections of the programme, namely:

  • Leadership and Professional Development
  • Specialist Scientific Clinical Programme and Research
  • Development and Innovation

Trainees will develop the knowledge, skills, experience, behaviours and attitudes required of a clinical leader, in an evolving and rapidly developing health and life sciences sector.


Exceptions to the DClinSci for Life Science trainees

Following an agreement with the Royal College of Pathologists, trainees in Life Science specialties can use the successful completion of FRCPath part 1 to demonstrate the scientific specialist knowledge required for the Doctorate. Similarly the research project undertaken as part of the Professional Doctorate, can be used to demonstrate the required research competencies for FRCPath part 2.


Delivering the academic part of the programme

The Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE) consortium is responsible for delivering the academic part of the programme. The MAHSE HSST consortium consists of the following partner institutions:

  • Aston University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Manchester (lead university)

This innovative consortium model allows the inclusion of new provider partners where required.

Details of the doctoral programme can be found in the MAHSE programme specification. Further information on the academic component of the HSST programme and the possible recognition of prior experiential learning (APEL) can be obtained directly from the MAHSE administrative office.

Last updated on 5th June 2024