E-Learning for Health resources

We have been working with training officers and staff at NHS England to build a collection of online educational resources that may help to address some training requirements.


All trainees with an NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) will be able to access these resources, including those based in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

All of the elearning for healthcare (elfh) programmes can be accessed via the elfh Hub. To use the Hub you must first register for an account or you can access most of the elfh programmes via your ESR. Accessing the programmes via ESR ensures that completions will move with you throughout your NHS career. If you decide to use the elfh Hub there is information and guidance on how to use the Hub available here.

Listed below are some of the equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) components for each of the programmes. A full list of all elfh courses is also available if you wish to look for a course by category.



Last updated on 18th December 2023