Accreditation panel member (Higher Education Institutes)

cta text

Role description

To join a selected panel of experts either virtually or face to face, to follow a prescribed agenda and explore with colleagues within a higher education institution a range of questions to ensure accreditation can be granted in the case of new applications or be permitted to continue. You will be providing specialist science expertise from the point of view of an NHS scientist.

Min criteria/ experience

An experienced Clinical Scientist or equivalent in the speciality concerned, with a thorough academic knowledge of the subject and familiarity with the programme under consideration.

Typical time commitment per event or per year

Normally, no more than 1 day of reading time ahead of the visit/virtual meeting, with meetings being scheduled for 1 working day.

Compensation for time

Currently this is an unpaid role but recognition will be given in the form of confirmation for your CPD returns.  Travel and accommodation costs within NHS England parameters will be paid.

Last updated on 18th December 2024