Shortlisting and sub-preferences


If you pass the situational judgement test, your application goes through a shortlisting panel. They will score it against each of the criteria in the person specification.

The panel members do not have access to your:

  • equal opportunities data
  • fitness to practice data
  • employment history sections of the application form
  • personal data

Applications are then ranked in order of their total score. In the event of tied scores, an algorithm is applied. This may include scores from the situational judgment test. The highest scoring applicants will then go through to interview. Click this link for key dates and deadlines during the STP application process.


Choosing employers and locations (Sub-preferences)

If you have been successfully shortlisted, you will be asked to select and rank your sub-preference choices for as many locations/employers you are willing to train at. You will only be able to make your sub-preference choices within the time window published on our website. Our website will detail the specialties and locations for all available training posts prior to the sub-preference window. This information is updated regularly throughout the application process to reflect any changes to commissions.

To select your sub-preferences drag and drop them from the not wanted to the wanted column – you can choose as many locations as you wish. The locations then need to be ranked from the top choice onwards. You will need to save your selection each time an amendment is made – there is no submit button. You may amend your choices up to the sub-preferences closing date. The sub-preferencing section in Oriel will remain highlighted throughout the sub-preferencing window regardless of whether you have already saved your sub-preferences.

Think carefully when choosing your sub-preferences as this is where you will be living and working for the next 3 years. Complete some research on what is like to live in the area – do you want to be based in a city or a more rural location. Communicate with STP trainees and networks via social media, to see what it is like to live, work and study in that region. Does the location contain the facilities you need? Consider the time and distance from your support network. We will assume that you will accept, if offered, a post with any of the employers you have selected in your sub-preferences.