Make sure you read all relevant information and guidance which includes:
- the person specification, job description and advert
- entry requirements and eligibility criteria
- application deadlines
- frequently asked questions
- STP curricula
Plan your time
Plan your time as late applications will not be considered. Work out how long it will take you to complete the application form and take into account time needed to gather any information you wish to include. Try to avoid submitting your application at the last minute. Typically, 60% of applications are submitted within the last 48 hours which slows the system down due to high volume of traffic, which then may cause problems with your application.
If you are relying on anticipated qualifications, these must be achieved before the programme start date in order to be considered eligible. If the qualification is not achieved you will no longer be eligible for the programme and your application will be withdrawn. You will then need to re-apply to the programme at a future date.
References are not required at the application stage. If you are successfully appointed these will be requested as part of the pre-employment check which is undertaken by the employer.
Make sure all educational courses you are enrolled on have been completed before the start date of the programme, otherwise you will not be able to enrol for the MSc.