Conditions for in-service applicants


An in-service applicant must:

  • Be part of the planned workforce numbers required for training and have occupied an existing NHS salaried post within the same department as the training post, prior to training.
  • Already be employed by the organisation intending to provide the training and have demonstrated their suitability in the workplace.
  • Remain employed until they commence the programme, when they should change to a contract that covers the duration of the STP. Should the trainee leave the programme for any reason, then any subsequent employment and contract arrangements are the responsibility of the employing organisation.
  • Have not already completed the STP in another specialty.
  • Have permission from their employer to undertake the required academic and work-based training requirements.
  • Have been selected by the employing department’s local recruitment and selection process.  The department must be satisfied that the applicant matches the core person specification and meets the entry requirements.
  • Apply and be allocated through the NSHCS national recruitment process.
  • Not go through a shortlisting process as they are not in competition for their nominated post.
  • Be trained in a department accredited by the NSHCS as an STP training provider.
  • Be assessed using an e-portfolio and/or any other monitoring and quality assurance processes used by the NSHCS.
  • Sit the STP final assessment as set by the NSHCS.
  • Complete the postgraduate academic programme.
  • Follow the whole programme and must be released from service duties, as appropriate, to undertake their education and training.